Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

September 1 • , V 1B94. * If we romember *correci!y tbe *‘Clmr!ejt a" tbe first of tiu “Whiie Sqnidrcn t'> \is;t Honoluln. Her arrivul < n her seconu crn'se is stīll in the mi:.ds of peopH- ’\ho were heie oa 29, 1881. When with at h lf iuast an<l yartls cock-bailt she e' tered port with the body of King R iakaua, the kind attentior.s sho An by the officers to the K in" dur.i g the voyage to the Unite<l States and the, al-

most sacre<l manner in whieh the body was goarded while be;nc borue to the Is!ands, i?udeared

tb> “Cbarleston” to tbe peop e of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in the pow r of the people. tueir api>reciation w; s sl’owu to tlie ollicers dnring their stay and when sailed they left graven ou tablets of love and raemory,evidences of their A’*ha f>r Hawa»i. Few, if any, of the officers who were here then are on the

ves.se! now; some have reacheJ the age of retirement and others have goi;e to oth t vessels but the CharIestou is still greon in the heait of*t'ie Huwaiians. Have yon ever used a Pansy St ve? We have been selling

them for foor or five yoars and to day they wear the “Yellow Coat” iu tho empiie of stoves. They ara recognized by ev ry oue. even dealers in othor stoves,

as a superior art.cle and one whieh they do"not caro to run up against. 0f conrse st >ves may bo bonght from poople who are uot dealers. Wo have poople running here every day or two for fire bricks and parts belongiug to stoves thc-y h-ive bonght from olher parties, aud when they find tiiey cauuot get tucm they discard their stoves and buy a “Pansy.” You see there is a disadvantage in bnying dear things at low pnces. Come to us and g< t a Paasy at 815 00 and you get full valae for yoor money. Yon don't gct a 875.00 range for fiftsen doll;irs, mind von, but yon get a firsfclass stove that is worth Tbirty dollars to any one

Our Re-uly I'Jit,etl Faints ;ire s ited to the wants of neople v. ho have a iitt!o pa:nting they wanl to elo theius -lves. Tho aclvant* age in lir.}’insr a prep-’reil paint 5s that yon have the beneiit of the best mixors in IhoUniUil States withoat having to pay for it. The paint is ready for use directly yoa Uke the top otf the eaii and if you don’t find it eheap er and better tban any yon e.m mix ycu!?elf we ;• re mi>itaken in our experieuce- lu California the r ainters are using tbe pr» pared article iu ] relbrence to bnying leail and oils becinse tbey find it

to thoir advantago to do so We bebeve it is only a q';estioa of tinie whea the painters here will fall into line.

Ilanging laraus are in as great deraand now as ever. People seera to w;int somi.thing for ligbting porpos- s that will giva as good light as tho san—they fb.d it iu tbe lamps we aie giving a- | way. Oar eheap staud laraps are au excelleut tbing for a servauts ° j roo:u and wi.l find a ready sale ia the Ish*nd stdres. We ean snpply any demand. for a single lamp or for a tbousand. There's lots cf Hawai:aas whose Kuleanas need fencing and we have the wiro with whieh to do itj We havealso the material for building a fence tbat will lasi unlil long after the mil- ■ leniom. Instoed cf paying a high prici for posts, oroven getting them *for tLe cuttiog. yonr feace wili cost you less m ney if yoa boy steel stays and wasbers au«l make a Joncs Locked fence. We h ev£rythi.:g yoa want in the Lardwace und hoose farnishing goods i-ne yon wisb. And we coart investigation as to their qnaiity and j.rices,Tte88afaa Haiivars :C8. 307 For4 Stroet