Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 October 1894 — Objections to Guardianship [ARTICLE]
Objections to Guardianship
In tbe malter of tbe petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Parker to have J. I. Dowsett appointed as g.:ārdiau for her infaut daughter The!ma Parkeran objection \vas r.iised in the Circuit Court j*esterday by Cecil Brown, attorney for Saranel Parker and the tras{ees of the Parker estate, tuo appointment of.such guardinn. The objection filed follows: That the estate claimed to belong to the minor is situated on the Islandof Hawaii and consists principaliy of Iive stock. Tbat all of said property is in the hands of trustees nnder deed of trm* for fhe settietnent of iudebtedness existir.g prior to the birth of said minor, and tbat, from tbe nature of the estate, it ia necessar>- that a yonnger person. and one who will risit and carefuily attend to aud inspect ali tbe lands and )ive stock, should be appointed. That the stock rango over an extensive tract of countiy, and the trareling over and inspoction wrli necessarily be the caose of great bodily fatigne. That ali of s*id property is now in the hands ol P.C. dones and Godfrey Browu under a deed of trnst, and that ■ tbey are carrying on and man- | aging said businees m a care?ul | and satislactoiy manner,and that | until the debts for «hieh said property is security are j>aid there is in reality no necessitv for the appoinimeni of a guardian. That if in tbe Conrt’e opinion a goardian is necessarv, | it is suggested that J. O. Carter, | ia a fit and proper person j to be so appointed.