Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 October 1894 — Initiated. [ARTICLE]
The royal gardens at Pauoa kuown araong the Hawaiiana as Uluhaimalama wcro opencd this moruiug. A large uuraber of the fair planters were present and from nino o’eloek in tbe morning the I’auoa premisas looked like an ideal plantation. Jratrons and gir!s were equally assidous iu planting the royal soiI. Eaeh “planter" iuis a j>iece of land dēvOted to a certain fiower and the gardens w ill in due timo f r surpass anyt!iing seen in the lii.e of horticulture in this counlrv. A 8unoptnons luau rew*arded t!ie iudefutigable p1anters in the afternoon at the houso of Mrs. Lizz:e Mana. The National Hand was iu attendauce and tiie oper.ingof the royal nursery was a snccess enhanced hy th«* beautif 1 weather. A trained gardeuer \v i1) iu tho f .ture have charge of the beds planted by the Ioyal ladits, «nd tho royalists w ill uever bo short of flo\vers.