Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 ʻOkakopa 1894 — A SILVER KING. [ARTICLE]
The big Eng1i.sh nielo - .Inima •*Silver Kiug” was givea last nigbt to a large bouse and tl;e dramatic poilion gave excellent satisfi»ction. Tbe on!v fea!nre
tlmt m irred a complotely perfect pres 'ntation was the b»ir.gli«g ! «ork of the stagc artisHii«. Mr. Dailey hail prepare«I » nomber uf new and artistic seitiugs inelinl- | ing t\vo revolving se!s !iud in the iuoveraent of tbesc tlie stago attaches proved vcrv inefficient. Tho railw«y station; tbo wood in wiuter aml the two ship yartl : scenes were both etlbctive aml proved Mr. Scbloth to be an cx- : cellent artist. We sb;ill look forward to some lat9 and artistic inte-iors sets iu {he near foture. The dramatic aelion of the pieee is particulary iutricate aud ■ from tbe morder in tue first ael !to tbe arrest of tbe real culprit, | the andience is carried througb a succession of sceues that are numericallv to nuraerous. As Winfred Denver. t Mr. Snow was ■ graecfn1 aiul etfective; Mr. Hallett played Capt. Skinner, “the Spider' f in a careful and forcible manner and Miss Dalglish was a sweet Nellie Denver. There are ! nmuerous minor characters, re- | quiring a nnmber of in i bicb some «ppeared to good advantage but in some the transi position was not distinct enongh. It is to be regrette\i that we,bave not tbe faciiities on onr loeai stage for such presentations. as so mueh space is lost in the Auditurinm that could ke uscd to advantage back of the curtain and Manager Dailey continuaily constructing new material will tend to crowd it still fnrthcr. l’omomiw eveniug the oompany wili present A. M. Paimer’s well kown society drama “Jim tbe Pemnan” whieh has an interna- s ticnal reputdtion. A young Hawaiian who a while ago hired a Lorse and drove him to death was np for trial in tbe Poiieo Cooit to<iay. A. Koea «ppeaia for the dofossu.