Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 ʻOkakopa 1894 — They Feel Unhappy. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

They Feel Unhappy.

Pr-jk** Jn=!>l an<! Cnnliit*I nro «*!i{ in tbe A frrrti**r tbis taornīug i-mpbaticaily «lenyicp tb»t ti e ie>ereml P« r:r «e w«s firt*«l ' fi ai tbe CVutt»l l oit*n puip:t :se he inilolpe*.! in pmpe jaica paueh ami cipars The **protc>tants” elaim tbat the ulea i» -iiuply prepo«teroas. It is really refr*sbinp to see tbat Messrs. ‘ Da'akibikibi’' aml “Kaoka Ok«ilekaIa opio r hare heeonoe so liberal tbafpra| e jnicc puneh an<l cigars no longer interfere witb their opinioa of u man or even a clerpyrran. W*e believe ho*rever ibat tbe r«*«sou of sucb liberalily i» not t«> be f«*nnd altogether becaus« thev bave oliange«l tbeir senti* n ents an.l heeouie less bigottod bot is soleiy due to tbe uuhappy sb«te of tbeir mind8 regarding tbe Cen(ral rnionCbnrch wbich threatens to heeOme a wbite elepbaiit on their bands. Houolulu is known &s a verv re!igious commanity and we regret to say that tbe town bas not iraprove«l in tbat »lirection dnring tbe last year but on thecontrary lms heeome still more saintlyand religious. Tho Central l’niou as tbe successor of the Fort Street Churcb is no longer thf absolute rulerof tbe [elastic] consciences of IIono!ulu's ‘ bost” classes Pope Jndd is tottering on bis iufallible tbrone and bis faitbful aid Joncs sees with «ltspair a vanisbing ] congregation when be passes tbe ■ hat around. Tbe solid pi)lars wbo?e purs« s were . aiways open j 1 1 tbe eāll f. i subsi«ly to tbe ruling Cbnrcb bave deserteil tboir cbur«b, their pope, and tbeir Jones; and now, kend tbeir knecs to other clerical rulers. Tbe reverend Garwin bolds fortb to tbe deists wiio ca!l themselves Campbellites and bis work Las raado iuroads|on Jodd's iittle lamb—or elepbant. Tbo reverend Peek presides j over a Methodist congregation 1 amonp whieh the Waterbouses form the linaneial nnd solid eenter. The salvation army besides driving ont devils and capturing a few poor reformed drunkards is onsnaring many of tbe fairest and most devote of Pope Jndd’s dock. And tinally tbe Tbeosopbists are bolding bigb carnival with « number of sceptics aud help to deplete tbe treasury of the great j pope and b:s choreb. Tho empty seats in tho ehuieh I won!d be of no nccount. Tbey i coul«l iu case of necessity be fi!led from the nursory aud there is uever any laek of nursery material iu tbe raissionaiy circles. lt is the finanoial subsidies tbat are , missed and tbc disagreeablo pro- ! spect of having to feed tbe wbite ] eiepbant witiiout raaterial sup- | port make tbe virtuous writers of tbo Penrose letter f«el vorv uncomfortable indeed. When all I otber souroes slip. When des- ' j>air raakes tbem rush into print lot them tbat eveu if desorted by Tbeosopb sts, Camp- i bellites Methodists, Salv«tion- i ists aud otbers they still bave tbe sympathy of tbe Holomua. Aml * we are Jews’ I ==