Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 October 1894 — REPUBLICAN VOTERS. [ARTICLE]
Tf;e l?<K»nl of rf gi>tration ba« fini"bed its work an<! has tabolau<l tb< -o who bave iegistere»l. accor»ling to natioQnlity. Tho fol!owing ie the offici«l tahle; n«r<- .,f Rirth. »nd R>r T««al \ Hrp. oolr. liawa ii m i j(W l'ra<»4 K«*Vr» . . T1 *>'* i ■ i; ,i.-j 1 . ■£•* «I (irrrbtni 54*< 173 t rd • .K5 .**» »B u»iu ti . iīK 33 131 li:>{ Oi' !‘>17 Ji' tl.e fipnros are corrcct 1017 have registered and out of that nuinhcr only one tbird are d;a qua)ified from voting for Senaturs. That there i- sometbing wrong is otvions. At «11 lorrner elections tho jT' portion was the other way «nd tl;e voters for the !ower houee w<ro in Iho majority over <he vot< rs nf w hom a property or ineome jaa!ification was<lemanded. To heeome qualifie<l to rote for a i Henutur. an ineome of $600 a year is necessaiy. And the Snjireme Coort lias decided, that soch in- i eome shall liavo heeo received in : cash. -if30 a month and grnh was hel*l to ho insufficient to fil* the nee<le«l qualification for a voter. : Nov. it is ahsurd tbat ont of - foroig:ii rs rrgistered on!y 156 havo enrned lf-“< than #6<)0 a year. j The who n11 have regist- ; ored have not enjoyed the re<|iiirod ineome, hut they have j novertheless hoen j laced as voters ■ for senntors. A large numher of the thugs nnd loafers who have | registcrod under a snecial certi- . I ncate liavc certamlv not during I tho j>ast year, with its ‘ hard , timos made j?50 a “monih" . ovon if thoy occassionally have , heen appoiated ns sj)eciul poliee ofticers, sj>ies anil ministerial gnards. lt aj)j)cnrs very mueh as if the h :ii(l of registrntion ha<l regīsterod as voters for tho nj)|)er house <‘verv man to wliom a sj)ecial cer* titicato was granted. lf they have dono so the constitution of the republic has hoou violated aud it does not sj)oak well for the promised honesty of our imiuaculate rulers, that ci>rruj)tiou and fraud shouhl he nsoil in the very first olection held. Wo undurstand that Mr. Frank (jodfrey is gettiug up a hooK of referenco \vith tho names of the registered votors. It will bo a most useful hook, nnd it will show the method of registratiou iu its proper light. It is nolo worthy that ouly 362 Portogue.se havo registored- 2 200 registered on Oahu, a few mouths ago, as voters to the constitutioual convention. What has happenoil to hriug on such achange? Oid the Portuguese colony leam that they were only catpaws for tue missionaries aiul tbat instend of tho promised hoom they fouud starvation under tlie banher of the repuhlic * Another interesticg fuct is the showing that 13.31 of the registcred votci-s roccivod special certific«tes. Entitled to vcte were al! ! naturalizod citiz.>ns, j.>oi'Si., ; ns | holding lettcrs of denization. aud tho ho]<lers of tho apeeial certifieato for servicos rcndered to tbe provisional government. This i shows thon, thatonly 586 citizcns j of Hawaii havo registered on ' < lahu, aud that the men who are 1 to e!oct tbe Lcgislatnre are aliena j \rith no siauding in jnstice in 1 this oomitrv. Jf the history of those 1331 was told, we believe that evcu Dolo would blush to find himself supporteil bv such « gang of *heroes,’ pardoaed or e»e«ped. Me complimeut Mr. (. eeii Brown and other ambitious stalesaien on bciog lifted into a souatorial chair on the shou!deis of these patriotic, worthy and iate!ligent 1331 freeiran*