Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Golden Rule Bazaar, Depot for XKWSPaPERS asd PERI0D1CAXS by eren ineoiein" steamer. Subscriptions Payable in A»lvance. DOMESTIC SSWING MACH1NES. Tlm Maehine is the King of all. On it yod eau make a Loekstiteb, Ohain stitch. Embroiderv, Button-holes. Ruffles, Tucks.

Gaitars, Lavn Tennis, Baseball. Croqnet. Stationery und Blank Boots at Cash Prices. Maml Sewing Machines from eight dollars and a balf op. [j>'27 » \VE IN VITE ALL SMOKERS Tpcall atul in«pe.-t onr late importation of tīie ceiebrate<l G. B. I>. p pea, cigars hihI RCLUSīCB&v«. T. H, & Davies Co„ Xjjao.itecL

Fresh Feed and Fiour From WASHINGTON. Lionr Flour, Oats, Barley, JVHddlings, Bran,n PEB •* WAKlMOO ” Just to H nd.

New Dry Goods Crockery, » Hardware, Groceries, ToJ Hand. S ' 'v - • . ' --.u rosJ BaileyCHonolulu Made Wire Woven Matresses ana Hammocks