Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

MACFARLANE <fc CO. in Wine* and Spirite Ka*ham«aa Svr»et, Hooolaln. H. E. McTNTTRB A- BRO.. Grocert, Feed Store A Bakert. j Comer o! King aml Port Sts., H'?tv»lnln J. PHILL1P8, FRA r TU’AL PLUMKEK. OAS.FITTER X»PPER-SUrTH. Hoase and Ship Job Work Promptly Execnted. No. 71 King Street. Honolnl t. Dh. MeLLNNAN. Fort Slre«t, alx»ve Hotel. Muiuai Te!ephone 6S2. for olHee; 287 tbr residence. jy28 KV>, C HOWE. Hovm Sinn and Oinamenial Painter. M»»nufacture of Liquid Slatmg. 620 King Street. augl LEWI8 J. LEYEY, Keal Bstate and deneral Auctioneer.

Oomcr_Fort au<l Qaecn 8treeta Houolnln Personal attenti-*n given to Saloa of Fornilnre, Keal Estate, , Stock iml Generai Mejcbanclise. Mnlnal T<Jeobctid FAT BOY.” BAY H0RSE 8ALOON ! P. MtTNERJiT, Proprietor, Fine Liquors, Wines &r.cj Beer. Corskr Bkthfx a.vd Hotkl 8ts. Honeiuiu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WHIGHT, Pboprietor, <Suoces8or to G. We*t). Pahhiaoe BLTLDING *sd hepaihinh. All Ordcr» from the Othcr Is!«nd» in the C*rriagc Bnildin(f, Trimmln*f and Painting Lioe wlll lCeet with Prompt Attcntion. Blacksmithiiu; in All Its Various 8ranohes Done P. O. Box 8Sl. Nos. 138 aad 130 Fort Strect. jyl9Tr W. S. LUCE

Wine and Sr>irit Merchant Cavipbdl Fir»-proof Blodc, NtERCHANTRT. HONOLUl.U. 71 : BOTH TELEPIIOXKS: 71 —C0NSOLIPATED — 80DA WAIEE -:• WORKS CO. (Limittkd.) * XOTfCE.

ALL peeaona are w*rned not to pennit their »nimals tt> tr«*wp*ss on the Unds of Kanewai *nd Knmoiliili, belonging the nndersigneil rioe pUntere. .U1 wumili fonnd on »tmying on ttn Rtp UniU will oe impon nde*l or shot. LEXTAl WAI SIXG K.EE. Honoluln. Ang. 29 1SM. *ng 29-lmd»r Tol Wo Wing Kee Co. 96 Nl'UANU STREET

n®aler? īn LsJies & Gont» B*>ot8 god Shoe8 tnade to order. P O Bot 38?

Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTKALIA," Another Invoice of the Worid Rencwn«Kl

FREDERICKSBURG LAGER BEER On dr*nght and by the keg." Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh Caufornia 0YSTERS t jf*OR COC K rA1T mayl Smu