Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Removal ! i Kmi*%ace 4fc Qo. davk movsi> to — Morgan*s - Aueilon - Rooms > (or » *bort tteo. We «Uiw: Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDUNG \VOOD | ln inr qonotitf. | Botb Telephoncs 4U • w5 POUND MASTER S XOTICE. Sotice m b« rehy giren to all persons that tbere iu« at the Govemment Poand st Makiki, two str*ye»i bulls. 1 black bull branded R on right hind 1 pineo bnll brand indiscrio«ble ou leg. Any peison or persons o»mg theso hnlla aie reōneste«l t«> eome and take tbe s»me on or before 12 e’eloek noon, SATIRDAY, SEPT. 15, lJi»4. JAMES KUKONA, Pound Master. Makiki. Aag. 50. 1SSU. «ng»-lwdy Pioneer Sh!rt Factory E3TABLISHED ISS7A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, 5IS Fort St., Honolnlu, (UpsUir«; Good Fit ; CONSOLIDATKD S0DA WATER CO. (LtMITTKD.) ESPL ANA D E i < or. Alleu md Fort Ma. : : Honolulu I10LLISTEK * CO.. A|tnU,

FOR SALE. A FINF. “ MIDNIOHT ” STALLION colt heloneine to P. D. Isenberc. The colt ean be seen st the PANTHEON STABLE from to-morrow. tf. The Whlte House! 118 N uuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS FiP$t-cla$ fyjoming [loage IN EVERY RESPECT. Rooms from $150 to $3.00 per Weel. or 50c. uer DayPAUL LEMKE, PROPRIATOR. Bell Telephone 132. aug 22

NOTICE T0 Visitors. Pienie Parties. Li —AND— i GENERAL PUBL1 At SMITH’3 Bcs AXO LlVi Stable, Kixo Stbeet. [Adjoiaiog MetropoliUm Meat Mar U the eheepe*» Plaoe i n Town yon , ss m 'iīiar to ““ - Maiaal Telephone 408 aagl-tf LOViJOY&c ■ Wiije \ Liqiior Deal 19 Nuoana Street W0 “M «II yoor .llenli, °nr 8pccial Brands /nnnllfn 1 > «..