Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LADIES’ 'eOLUMN. — 1 r\*rOor^ v r ū» I# :t * ! * bcl #hat y-vu arrjt - ,g; gire * liekH t ihe \ ’ {> e>n l1 1 |mike s iy tfiff:rea» h»>T m :ch I I j P'-mrch : «e: Tli > are or.d ';b*ed v th? :«ad'ti£ qu»tior.* of the »i*r. \ wooid think sotf vou knew hon tnaav limea we havean*wered thecn iq th- !aī-t week —b .t we never tir.* i ol answtrir2 any ami ail que?t'on.-v onr oniy regret »thit wearettnab!c tO gi ve oncgr .n ! # exei»inn *ml ttk** r ci:»loraers to the VoIoir.o; there is a way throuh ttut every ono e;*n gvt there through th*‘"r deaiings«ith n-*. Q’i:ck Si - ; ' rdS.i:aH Pr Sts meansiinp'y thss. Eeunoaiy t > you iod if yoa vi;h, to >ive the d fferenca helween our pric « «; ifi y pric;s won t be long bef re y ‘U w ill rca!Ēre t iat Jud cious buy'ng wil! j»sy i* r p!ets-.re tri '. KEEP KVERY PtJRCHASE CHECx y• .i gtt bot\vee:i now and Christrr.ns, and if yoo w»nt to, you ean give thera to some \r rthv friend. It lt»oks r as thougb tlie r.iinv sea- ? >n hns s(‘t :n and we ; r' go : iig lo make a run on r.iiov weathtr gx ds. i Umbiu:li.as * PAR \SO > COMFORTERS & BL \ NKETS, froio -51.00 up. FL\NNELSA FLANNEl,ETTES, S M vWLS ee W O >L E N G ODS The gpod-s are all new and j st ?h t y >u i e d. * L)o you uar.t t>s ■* the V«»lcano? If yo i do, you have just as giod a ohine-} as any oaa else. E. A H B. F. EHLERS & C0.
FrecL Harrison. CUNTRSCTOR AND BUILDER The Leadiug Builder IX MONOH’LU. Kstira:it«s g!v.*n on a!l kintls of Brick, Ir<>n, Slonc an.l \Vooden Ruilding-«. Jbbing of all k»nds. Bailding Material 5<>r S;«!e. 5l0 and 512 K:ng Strt t. Res:dence Teleph n-\ D-:U 2-7. P. O. Box 11. oc2-tf Corner King aiui AIak.ra i'aniiirkio’s l{efefutors - By Cruy Sttinser (rora Sao Fnnes»co, w|th Fresh Fruit, Oysiers, S3lmnn, Pou/iry, Eicd Ktc.. Etc W|lt ft. Dt-i .. REAL ESTATE A6ENCY. to r*ftit und for s.le. R nis collectevl. 60orejranctiig iu ull its brinches attcude.l to vritb pronaptnvss »nd d**sp tcb. Hoxoclc Keal Estate Aoexcv. 103 F>>rt St
N0TICEDdring my ahwaeo fr»m tho co«ntry «ft?*r tbo ;re of tbe “O —anie" for Chiu » Ch:a v»ill b.tre f tfl ch>rg«» **f my ba*> uoaH an«l atf »irs guonhli^. Wailuka. 5c t »L 24. 1.504 All Cii£W