Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
h|OLlSE L. J. LKVEV Le?'*e »V. 1*. !>AILEV. Ma»<isr r Second Season of I)ailev Slock Ca. ur»kr the direction of \V. R. 1>AILEV. Thursday Evenlng. ocr. u. i"'L “JIM the PENMAN.” Fami!y JV3atlnee Safardaj Aftenioon. • CT. 11. lv»4, at 2 P.M. n A- C:rner - C-rccsr7.” Saturday Evening. < Cr ia. ]sr»4, “CHARLĒY ! 3 AUNT.” D«*ors open t 7:30. Cnrt .in w 1 rise prompt. so'i2 t l \\ .vx i j :d. As Ho'i? keep r cr nars j by <x; f-ripnc?d nur.se just fro;n tlie U.S. «il! l»-aw t:.c ishiul t>nurse. 1 r <J'1 re ;• t H 1 >Mi A Okki. e, ociS ;;tī.l
KEE, 40 KING STREET. TINSiIITH. ani. PEALEK IX GL4SSware, Crockeiy, Coal-0il Stoves, Water Po‘s—Pluml»ing in All Its Brancbes Fnitbfnlly Executed. jylS-lT PIONEEK Steam C5NDY Factory. IIA Si KKY an«! Ico Crcinu ParIors! K1 HOhN m m 1863 1894 Wl (l(l V/. 13T PRACTICAL CON FEC T1Q X EH axd 0RNAMENTER In all hra,tehe» of ihe 1>utiue*t o.i thete itīai,dt. Anacric»n. Eag’;sh. Genn*n and Frvnch . PASTKIES Mad« to Order. ] I BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES Madc ol tbe Very Best MatcrUl «r.d at Reasoaahle Rates. Family 6raham & Fancy Bread Jl*-ayt on Ha> »<f. AIJ. roXFECTIOSEB¥ Manufketared «t My Esta?.15»hnsent Arc tit»rtintr.-<l to he P>>-.tirclT Pure «nd , Suid at Price# no othrr eUMUhEnc&t ean conjiete withgjtT FACTORY AND STORE, X.j. II Hotd Street, Honoialn. Botb Teiejihono* No. Tt jy35 POi:SD H\STER8 N()TI(E. Notice is hereby giv n to #tll persoos that tU»re *re at the Oover»iineut Paa»tl at 1 cream n'ate n > brnnd, 2 vrh»te on r : ght ei te; 1 br»wn h >rs br»ndel V K on r ghthind hip, while I on huek, 2 while spot on hip; l br»wn mar* brnnd ed r on l**lt hind hip; 1 che>tant m*r«* not bn«nd; 1 br-wn ru.ro aud 1 y.*ung horse br n l-il-PB on neek; I bay hon?e brai.drd AF • o hi(id hipAoy person or persons owning these borses. are reqnested t» eoene snd t-.ke tbe same on nr before 12 o’cl><k noon, Sat .rday October 2 1891. IN in, Kaapa, P»Qad 'las!-r., Makiki Oct 8.189L oct8 t:d.