Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Cr iterion Saiooii ! NOTICE Lereby ('iven, that all elaima agtinst the Criterion Saloon, wiil be settle<l by J »s. F. Morgan, hdi! all nutstnmUng »ccounts elue tho Oihtkbiox Saloox aml the jobbing houao of L. H. Dee up to to the ubove ii.nte, are p»yab e to .Mr L. II. Dee. All bills ugainst L H. Dee, please present iinme(l'jtely for uavment. L H. DEE. Honol .ln, Oct. 3. 1S04. nelO 3in

W anted TWO lT-»fiirniab®tl Houses of 6to S ROOMS eaeh. Euqnire of 103 Fort Sfreet. oelO » Ilamwai Hath.HūUSE The «t <l**rs g ieJ h«ving 1-EAaEu the we’l IlaNiwai Bath c1oise »t W»it»ki,b*gs t> i« f >ru« v.<u, lhat it vr !l be n;n aa a Strictly First-Cl3SS BATHING RES0RT. ~ St «*ci i* aee »«n>r«'xl it«on# f«r Liiliea emi Ciji!dr-*'i. 'V, S BARTLETT, Pr r. r.s. Tr m-cars [>assi tae plaie o©S * %