Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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— ~ - —iffv " ?hr iiolomm Ca(riuUr. V ' OCT. JO, 1SJM. NiUL VI»ltUI. II !i M S ItT*o!Bth, M*y, K-jr,iu.»alt. P. C, M jmrHA5TV KX. l.V L-.i!i»rn. Br wn. X»-»rcM«Je, X S W. i.i; W H Nileon, 8 F. s . iwr Ālol»». f>al>**I. San Knwim. S I, «j M KeHotjt. Ivanncn. ('rarV fl rl«>r. <i S S. Ar.strjlia. Hon«ik*tte, S F. i, , i.k <*akl «n«l. S"atfe. r .iKi i(i> vi»(CiA »:\»*»;rTrn. r U >bert Leverw .. laiv»;tn 1«J Dn«> I’ M S 8 Ci y o( rvkīnjr.Vok«)ht(nia. .Oct 5> liktu« P ’ r .. M (>rt \ -<*li AI'.neCo»k... Pt Tovn«en<10ct '2 >.kt Kl'kit:tt....Pt Town>>eBd.Oct 2o \ Kk Kl-in >re \t'Trartle....Oct -0 i; k t,«lzar Fon- ? ..\>vc*«U* Oet 2o I; «rk Kon t<-nbeck... Liv**rp«x)l Oc( S0 Km -« !ir I va K.oreka Oot :?I 11 ,« hk Mnnna A)a. .X«-wc»«ll*.. Xov 18 \„i-«lirP ritan X«*wcsurtle... Nov .10 N'..r«liii> Olanivor. N<*it.-asili-.. Vov 30 l}. f hk 1‘ani Isenherg.« Urenicn ... !><■<■ >0 -liij H F(«laA> l,iverpool lan ‘>0 foki:i<;\ mvii. «ervicf.. Steamnliipa «ill Jeaye f«»r «ml arr‘ve tr«>m San Francieco aml other foreiftn (l ,, r ts, on or al<ont thc (ollowinu «laft*8, ull the close of 1894. t,KAVt lloxoLrLr Dr»; at Hosolulc K«K S\S FhaNC!SCO. Fm. 8ax PKANewno OR VaKCOOVER, OR Van«-ocver. p, vinjr tk»t 9 .~lia Oct. 6 AnMniiia Oct. 12. Arawa Oct. 24 \lmue.lH Oct. 18 Monowai (>ot. 25 Mn»wcra Xov I \«Htralīa Xov. 3 Anstmliu ,,.X«>a". 10« iiina N«»v 12 Mnnpona Xov. 15 Alaineda Xov. 22 Oeeanie Xov l'» M owen» Nov 24 AmwH D«*c. 1 \n>tmlia Dcs.-. 1 AtiHtralia Dec. 8 Oieanie Dec 11 Monowai ....Dec. 13 Maiipoaa....Dec. 20 M! ,a«-ra Dec. 31 Arawn Dec. 24 t 'liin.i Dt*c 21 Australia Dec. 2t>

Tbe Pantbeon Saloon i» the <lepot for the ceM*r. ted KnterpriseBeer, when* it c«n nlway8 he fouml col an<l frfsh ou tap. We «lo ul deal in ■‘•Fn , derksk8biirg Beer” «- th> rnorning I*«per—thr<'itgh so:r.e inist;<ko has adver—tipod. Call at the r«ntireou f>r re-freshing drink. .11M l>e>DD. Pmi>rictor. * Tolk about braying rmses. The town is full of theiu McBn»yer s wluskey is only to be found al tbo Etopiro Saloon. And when it s found it st iys and brays. Kn. lleqna of theEnipireSuloon has made a uew deal whioh will touch the hearts, or at least the 1 al«tes of many a thirsty wander er. Ho kecps *‘h«lf-«ud-hnlf on draught and serves « iuost de licious and eool boverage, far superior to “plain ’ boor. se 17 tf J. J. Williama the well-known Artistic Photograpber is making a specialty of portraits on W atch Oiala and 8ilk Handkorchiefs. Complete sets of Lantern slides loctures eau be bad at thegallery. For they aro sold at a roasonab!o figuro bv the dozen or by the hundred.

L. 1?. KKHR'S ANNQUNCEMENT! 1 HAVE JVST liKCEIVED A LAKGK AS80RTMENT 0T . F1NE SU1TINGS, ELEGANT. patterns, AN l) LATE8TJiTYEEĪ Tbw.*ooJe wiHb. «Win ,n, qu»nuty froni » 100 Yabds 1>ows to Esoioh ro Make * SISGI k} Scit ! -ASP ATHiRD TISE 1 PR1PES i 1*. B. kiKKIi. • • IMFOATKr, , Q Mwa stwet SekAWfo