Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 ʻOkakopa 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


( I*arlev - Aont on Snt ir»1.,v 1 l*hooogra|»„ b>H g.,D- to Maai. The Hawa-i „rrive.l thi« m »r.» •ng froin Ham .lnia. Mr. ( h;.s. Creighton is in tovn again The C:ty of Peking wii» not arrive before Frid ty or Satnrd*y. Mr Hondry rotnroe.l frum Hawaii yefs!enUy. The Portagnese a.<-sault ca«e ha< 1h eu postponed. Jim the PenniHn" will l.ring ont loc«l society *n The W. (i. !iali wil Ieave «m Fridav for Mani and Hawaii. Toinorrow the Dai!ey compat.y will play ‘ Jun the I’enman ”

flio trostees of the Queen’s Hospital niet this raorning. F.ditor Hoogs is aroun<l again after a severe spell of illness. Mr. Julian Monsenat is iu town undcr medical tre:.tment f-a-his oycs. The Quintette Clnbwill play :it th«* Holel ton’glit during the dinner honrs. A nornber of the ortliodos Jewish lirms ck>sed today, it being a Je\vish holiday. Frank Godfrey is prej.aring a hook of reference of tiie voters for t!ie coruing olection. Tbe Kahuku ranch will be sold under order of the conrt on Saturday tlie 13t!i inst. The i'nnuiine of the Pacijic will be pub!ishoi1 in time for tho o.:t going inail 011 tho Australia. Thoro are no new developroeots iu tbe poliee force, Tiie i>fficers fiued f.»r assault are stiil aronnd. Tho Ulnhaimilama gardens will opeu tomorrow. All the ladics invited should be in atteodanee.

The iliftereul brancbes of tbe bu-iness of tbo Wilders bave beeu incorporuted into tbree eouiptnies. The s;ile for ‘’Charley’s Auuf opens torno.irow niorning at 9:30 Tber ewill be a l»ig line waiting for Mr Levoy. A mmiborof seats for“Cuarley s Aunf’ wbicb willbe pieseuted at tbe Opora House next Saturday, bas beeu subscribed for. Tbe Japanese iminigrant steara er due, «ccordiug to soruo statoraeuts. Acoording to otbers sbe isn’t coraing at present. A noraber of tbo Ceutr.»l l uiou pillars i- cnllevl at tbe Advtr1i*ff yesterday. Tbecily oJit»r ‘saw tbern nnd felt like ’’nii8ing” tbera. • Jiai tbe Peuniau” wbicb will be preseuted by tbe lXiiley f onipnny to-morrow mgbt is a bigbly tbnlling play aud will draw a l«rge crowd. “Corner Orocery" will deligbt tbe Iittle ones on Saturday a(ternoon and in tbe evening tbe latest fad ! *Charley‘a Aunf‘ «iU how to Honolalu for a first tmio. Mre. C. O. Berger will leave in i tho Anstral5a for San Pnmeiaeo : w heie she will joīn her husband lt U regretted that the heaUh of Mr. Berger is not as good as it ooukl bo wisbed.

Mr. ciarence M*cf*rUne received a new carriasre by the Anstrali i. It is probably the finest bailt carri«ge of its kiud in tbis towu and especially nd*pted for tr*velling over rongh roads Sever*l hoo*es farnishcd or unfurnished are enq«ired for dailv. at lbe Hooolalo B-al Eaiato Apency 103 F»>rt St lt yoa have » bo««o to let or *i«ii to r ,-nt one. )'<>« «U do weil to eall ihene.

Sant% OUaa Heard From Ti:e Gol<i n Rn!e 6a ai r**e iiē 1 ! i fine nf Chr ojji» guods by »«• Ao.«tr«{ .> t\.p|»ers r»ud iooininer> wi!l »i< «ei! to ca!t in ainl get »!&» of «h-»t ▼ ill I>e >*f :n‘rre<; t-i rbe ti*ls. The ĪDVtnee rcceive!l so e.nrefolJv aeleeleil ihtt the ioc«!t 'liou* of oor precncioos chi!dreu wiil be able to !;e satisfie<i Aml the maDuer in whieh Mr B?yno!ds bays hi« gooils enahie hīru to j luce them in tbe market at a f.bn!ons low price. By the same ste.imer the B..zaar receiv?.l»a l«rge invoiee of the finest writing paper in j*U qnalttiosand siz Received

Mr. H L Verleye wh'» u;s acted »s Frencb Commi«ioner and Cons:.>! - general sincc the departnre nf Mr. Vizzavona. hus presented his ci de;> :!s to t!.e wpuhlie and has TtJn formally reccgnize«i. lt will bo re"»embered ti»-iI Mr. Ver!eve arrivcd liere with cred«ntia!s nddrestetl to t!;e Oaeen and hss conseqnently l»een arvib’e to t .k>* his prn pi-r plaee herct .d«'re. N» w credenti.ils d<lressrd to t!.e Hawai—ia’. Ilepuhlie Hiiiee l by tiie Austra!ia ;»nd wcre pvoniptiv pre8onte,1 by t!i.- e - :iiu ssi"i,cr. TIarrv Aiioitage s.>i«l a !«>t • f saddles, haraess and w: ggons on belialf of t!ie Bishop c-sttte. A sadd!o ma.le epecial!v for Princess Rath <u ! big enongQ to aecomn?oda(e a fami!y was sold for Tho w : older of the hammer is evi«lentiy not an expert in sta b!e nomeqolature. Phj'siciaus ;ulv >r pi ople not to drink wuter for tw<» iuonths to eome. Tiiey s*y that there is incipieut fover iu the \vater. A liusiness man stated tod.iv that lie wouKl pref-r to !iave “reiuittant” f ,*ver in the air. L »ng Life Whiskey is g od enongh for the averi»go cilizen Nobody needs b ther abont the \vater.

Band Concert. If t:e \vo iUioi' |tfviu : ts ifc, the b»Utl will givo a conc j rt at riiomas Sij i:iva to-night. The follovvyig the progr.uame: PAKl i 1. MarcU— “.Ma'ihat;aa F!.'acii" Sonsa 2. Over.‘nie —* , R-<yui 'ud” .Ihouiaa 3. Fmitasia —"T1k> Princess Air”.. ,rinrens 4. ‘ ‘Remiuisojnces of Verdi” Oodfrev PAKT II. 5. “Retninisccnces of Off.-nbAch**.. .C >nradi 6. March— “The Belleof NetT York"..Ckrk 7. Wali z — “Btifal Blne Oanuhe".. Stranss 8. Polka—“N’auana Valley" Ber£sr HAWAIl PONOI.