Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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m >v K c C «Prrif«r.§;. iT’SAT08SUP Sometimes where to - t , chase anv particnlar arti-le, not if yon liappen to wint anvthing in the lino of £rtists' |5upplies, Picture Fra:nes or enlarged portraits, there h but one plaee in Honolnln, to pnrchase »11 materia!s, aml t! it's KING BKOS. ’ Store . nieh there is no rival on Islancls. The finest paintings in Hawnii, are on exbibition iu this gallerr The firm makos a spccialtv of enlarging portraits as well 45 making picture frames in the very latest styles of raouhlings. In the sheet pictui< s, tbey have thonsamls to select from o( whieh they invite an insj ecti< n at auy timo. ,icixa BHOS. HoteI Street, : ; II neiulu aug. 2o-lm<I v. F0a 8A.LE A Complete Hunting Outfit. One Irish Setter b tch < f ti ? best bfo<xi m Amer >m; r*-" * in the A. K. S. B. an<i [' rty broken. One Pointfer b;tch by the ee’abr»ted G!eubeigh that e ~ in Eng!wnd. Oue Pup five weeks o!d fj*-ber and mother t!iorooghbre»*il'. Ooe B<;ckboard barltei , pc < *ially f'-r hantmg pnrpo3es. One 12 g«uge L. C. Sm th gtia »3 g<Vid »3 ne.« end m fin** order. Theabove ootfit wiil be suld eheap Euquire of W, H. CUNNINGHAM. f Anchor Saloon. sepl9 tf MACHINE MADE POI! FACTOBY, : : KALlHITaro Planla, Fresh Tops and B**’ Taro at ail times. Ring Up Mutoal Telephone 3.h 3dl 345. W. L. \VILCOX. jy‘2S Manager. CITY DRAYAGE CO. Stand; Queon and F«>rt Stree& Wi>it- and Biack S<i"! ■r»yiag l>jne at Reus »i<abiv Ka'.e*W. F. SUAJIK£TT, j£k&: -V:'- - .