Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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iiRRIVED '*AiJst^a.U/\." French and Soolch Ginghims - new) . .10e.. 2Uo. v Vicioria L (new), 10 yda for Wbite Dr Goods (uew) . 10c., 1«.. 2V.. 2īc*.. ' . White aud CoJored Dimitios [new]. 2t*.. .. Liaanelleii*. all colors. (new) 10 yds for old maiim—“Tbere īs nailiin- :»e.v :i:i 1 . snn' — knocked ont. C ill and be convinced. M. S. LEVY. Who is now settled in lieniiaa, Smith .t Co. >J 01 d SUnd, Fort Street

jtonal Iron Won^ Qce;EX STP.Enr, Between Alukea «fc Kiehanl Sis THE UNDERSIGNBD a?e prepervd » make f\ll kiad# of Iron Btms, Bronze, ZLac, Tin and Lead-Casting*. A1 so Genera! Repair Shop for Steam En>,"aes. Ric« Coni Milla, \Vater Wbeels, \Vind Mills, eto. Macliines lor the Cleaning of Coffte, Castor Oila, Bean-s Hauiie, Sisa!, Pineapple Leaves ,k otker Fibrotis Pl&nk», And P&v*r Stock Al»o Mi\ckints for Extractiug Starek fiow tke Manioe, Arrow Root, etc. rr All Orders promptly attended to. */HITE, RITMAN (Ti CO. p AT -!-Ch) Af| —: FURN!TURE DēALERS. :— Beg lO/inlomi the puhllo that they have openol a Branch Store at No. 322, Nuuanu St„ Whcre they carry a oomplele line of BEDROOM SETS, CI1A1RS, TABLES. WARDROBES, STANDS, Eto., F.tc., El FornltnreKepaired a»d General .lohliine at Keaoonahie Kate«. VING FAT CHAN, Factory, comer of King and Bethel StrecU. sept 6-3ms Y. LUM SING, Dealer iu Frnits nnel Grooeries. Fresb Fnnts bv Every California Steamer, Eresb Islaml Butter from Huw.iii. 135 Fort Cotfee Rojste«l. P O. Box 169 Fresb Island PrO(luce, Goods Delivered to Any Part of the City, jy21

NOTICE. D. Howard Hitchcock has raopened his classes in druwing and painting at his Class-Iioom on Hotel St. CIass instrnctions given every \Vednesday and Satarday from 8 P. M. f to 12 P. M. Application for the full term shoald be made at onee. lw CITYiCARRIAGECO. Corner KING*nd BETHEL St. CAJRRIA.GES, AT ALL HOURS. Both Telephones No. 113. {J. 8. ANDRADE, Manager* jane 15-tf. THOS- LINDSAY Merchaut Street Honolala New Store , ne* Jewelry Gold , Siher and LHamonā*. Jewe!ry Manufactore to order Watches c!eaned and repaired ;n ?.nd «e4-t f To Let °r Lease, tu>xt to T. ni»« P»rtor, d «WiMe *