Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 October 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

S-*ptc-mber 17,1894 If we reruember c.>rrectlv the ■‘Cri.tr!* >u ' was thefirstof thc “White Sqa dr u ’ to visit Hono1 ila. Her arrival on her secon i i cra : se is still in the iui'ids of who «ere bere on January 129. 1891. Whea witb at ■ h'ilf-nsast »ud y.*rds cook-baiit she entered port witb the body c*f King Kiiakana, the kicd attentions showu by tbe oflicers to the King dnr.i g the \*oyagē to the UniteJ States.ancl the, a!most sacrod manner in whieh the body was gaarded whUe besng borue to the I?'ands, endeared the “Charleston” to the peopie of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in the {>owcr of the pat>ple, tneir appreciation w s sbowu to the oflicers daring their stay and when sailed they left graven on t >.blets of love and raemory, evidences of tlieir Aloha f>r Hawa.i. Few, if anv, of the oflicers who were heie then are on the vessel now; soiue have reacbed the age of retirement and others have gone to oth r vessels but tlie Charlestou is stdl grean,.in the heait* of tho Hawaiians. Have you ever used a Pansy St ve? We liave beeu selling them fur fonr or five years nnd to day they \vear the “Yellow

Coat” in tbo empire of stovea. They are recogai/ed by evtry one, eveu dealors in other stoves,

as a superior urticle anel one whieh they do not care to run up against. Of course stoves may be bonght from peoplo who are uot deulers. We have people runniug here every day or t\vo for fire bricks aud parts belongine to stoves thev have bought from other parties, and when they fiud thcy cannot get tiiem they discard their stoves nnd bny a “Pansy.” You see there is a disadvantage in buying dear things nt low pnces. Corae to us and get a Pansy at Slō 00 and you get full valne for your mouey. You don't got a range for fif f oea dollars. miud you, but you got a first class stove that is m>rth Thirty dollars to anv one

Our Eeady Mited Paiuts aro 1 s ited to the waots of neopio who = huvo a littlo painting they \vant to do tboraselves. The advant1 ago in bnying a prep.<red f>aint i» tbat you have the beru*lit of e the best rais<‘rs in the United St ites without baviug to pay for it. The paint is ready for use | directly you take the top otf tho ean and if yon don’t find it oheap er and better tlian any yoa ean mix ycurself we are raistaken in our esperienc8' In CulifoYnia the : t ainters pre ns : ng the pr< pared ! article iu preference to bn\ing , i lead and oils beciuse they find it to their advant ige todoso We I bebeve it is only a question of tiice whea the painters here will ; fall iuto line. i ; Hauging lamps are iu as great , demand now as ever. People . seem to want sonnthing for light- , ing pur|K)SP3 that will give as , : good light as the sun—theyfind ; , it in tbe Iarops «e are giving away. Onr eheap stand lamps are , an eicelleut thing for a servaats roora and will find a ready sale iu the lsland stores. We ean supply any demand. for a »iūg!e lamp or for a thor.3aūd. There's lots of Hawaiians whose Knieanas need fencin" and we h ive the wire witb whieh tu do it. W*e havea!so the maieiial for bui!ding a fenee that will !ast until Iong after tbe mil- ■ enium. Instead cf paying a | hig i pric - for tK»ts, oreveu geti ting them for tle catting. your | fence will cost you less m *ney if i you buy steel suys and vrashers i and mnke a Jones Locked feuee. W T e have ev£n*thing you want in the burdvare and house furnishing goods hne yoa wisb. Aud we coart investigation a> to their qualitv and j rices. TjfS3cni.a Harivars ,Cc. - 907 Fort Street