Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 October 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]
[W* do not hold onrse!v«s mponMhl* for th« or th« «-t;-r*nces of onr conrspondents,) EDITOK IIOLOMUA: Tbe proklem of making. form>ng.or creiting a«goveroment bas keeo oae that has tsxe.l the wisdona of far greater men than those whoui \te expect to mcet on these lsiands. Aud [as I hope without offeusej I think 1 am right «heu I say tbat very few if any of tbose who foxm the heads of whct-4a termed tbe Bepnblic o? Hawaii have ever had the ehanee to know only the oreticalty what«re tb«safe giards whieh eompoee a governing power. Theory may be ail right as a grouud *work, but any scbool boy knows beyood a sbadow of a doubt tbat it sluks iuto ntter in*igui£cafice alangeide of prartit*.
1 "****^^" 1 "- * -—•— - 1 . *""" The pers mnel of tha pres-nt powers that be fnay f»r t;»e sake of *rgnioent ba coosidered gdod ; mf*n iu their way, bat wben me-tsar>*d by the st.ui*I-ird of meu earning *n h- nest living wbat do thev amonni tof Now. prav. what pract:ce has any oue of (hem ever had in the essen;ials, whieh form tbe Hbsolute of a goveru»ag p-.)wer/ It ia p*si ray e )mpre'a6usion tb»t »u* a of oidin:irr g-> «1 &ease ;in other reej>ecī3 eau uavler *ny ciraura«uuct;3 be g illed ii»to aokuowiedgiug |be preseat statas qu*>, ;»8 a iiepuhlie! but thej seera lo b *redones > ■»nd it is with t!ii» I bave 1« do*. They Lave proclai!n--d tb»ug to the worid aml Presi lent Clevelsnd ! bas recogni2ed it ve*ry maeh iu ! the 3*1016 se »s-» as a woma»» s;»ys ii» her haahani “1 u going to tue t'ueater and yoa ean go if yon p!easc” sn l for the s»ke of j>eace tbe poor devil siibmita. Kigbt bere is wheie tbe present o!igarcbv is $ronght face to face with serions tbings whieh could not Uave beeq obtained bad tbe moua; ! cby beenletalone.CertaiaTreaties have beea made batweea Eū2land, France, tho Uoited St »tes an-l Japan of the utmost iraport-> auee The United State.s’ Feder.»l Courts have decided that a aolemn treaty between tbeir eoantry aud another does not !»mount ;to a hill of be.»ns. On tbeir own heads be the consequencos of that shamefal decision; but otber | countries ot older standing thau ! the United States look with i otbor ej'9S on solemn engage- | ments, and tbey ara liableto ask awkwanl que-tions. Ti»e full force of tl»ese awk- , ward questions is now confronting y»e Government of this still ; born Republic. I Tbe U. S. Seuata has by a vote passed its protest to tho effect, that auy interference in the Hawaiian Islands by auy other natiou will be considered as unfriend!y to the U. S. To auy fairminded person tl»e absurdity of sucn a resoIution is self evident. So far as my knowledge goes the only agreeinent helween the Sovereign power of this country and tho Sovereign power of tbe U S.. isthat this c-»untry mayuotenter into treat»es with other coonlries whieh are inimieal to the treaty with the U. S. so far, weli and good!! But now snpposo Japau or EngL»nd or France, finds that this couutrv vioUtes the treaty existiug batweeu tho one or otber of them »nd iu or»ler to eompel this eonntry to respect their treaty. they are forced to tbe ultiraatum ‘:respect tbat treaty or take the eonseqnences ’ wliere »loes tbe resolution of tbe U. S. e >me in? Have t/>ey thc 'i ighi io force the deci*ions of iheir Federal C 'ovrts onother \ naliom / Most decidēd!y n«t' And 1 ligbt bere is the nat this qaon<lam Governmeut has to crack! this is tbe reas» n for the half I bearted recognition of the U. S. j and t!»e uou-recoguition of either France, England or Japan. Tbera is not the sIightestdoubt in my mind that the above rao »Deutons question is at the presont moment subject for diploraa- | tic correspondence between the Governmenls interosted and 1 am ■ ofthe opiniou that the ultima- ' tura arrivsd at will not be pleasant i for those who rnn tho present : Goverunaent of Hawiii. Tba whole iesolntiun bas been a serious blunder aud the longer it goes on the worse it will get and j ‘f tbose in power wonld only eonj sider their best interests mean their pockets; they will get out on the best terras they ean aqpi let 08 have tbe quiet and peaee that all aro craving for. Another point it is well to eonsidier; suppoaing tbe Dole Government to i>e sincere in desiriug annexaiton to ihe United States aud th«t Mr. fiatcb ean still trot oni hia 7000 annexationists, the notoriety attached to tbo Hawaiian question has so disgnsted tbe governmeat of tbe United States that 1 am firm!y . i convinced anuexation ean never [be obtained. The attitnde of Mr. Thurston in his condnct toward tbe administr«tion in Washisgton bas heea sufficient 1 to settle tbat for all time. Bnt * ido uot Udiere t ! »e Doie govern—meat desires any socb tbiag as i aad that beiag eoa-
«— Cc-3ed bare u-ii Ui~«-c e-ho t ,arW hled ' {/,r it keeo ;reated to D*«cl Se«t frnit • and bj wbom ? tbe rerr «% m e d«'.sen roen who' iu(} īūform [*airtj of 18S< It «H tinie tūat tuo3C »bo form tbe backbone of tbe preses»t g«>Ternmeat beg«n to rca!iie wbc-re t!>ey sfc,md and wbat they are do- ‘ icg aud th%t on!y oue coarse is * left »cd thnt i« to accept the in- ! evi«able with good grace and tbal 1 ie BZ*rosATiox. I aro aware that tbere are io oar nndst those who b«r« roade tbe qae:*tioo of RF.stobatiox a pen=ona! one of spite ! so w»> tue aasā5sinatioa o( I.ineo:n and Garfield - Aieaaoder o£ hnt who are ihese, that tl«ey sbouid dnminate the htf«ir» of a xatiox ? It will be weli for those ft> power to remember that the same spite oan be ased in anothcr dTrection. and aales3 my ieason deceives me the feeling is becoming rampant. The liue» of thonght suggested by tbe above I will leave to voar readers to follow oat. L must uot tre?pass further on yoar space. Hawaii.