Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 October 1894 — Prospects of a Cable. [ARTICLE]

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Prospects of a Cable.

- —— It is stated in tbis moming’s i Adier!ii>er that Mr. 8. FIemiiīg is here as a sj>eci«l commissioner j from Cauada to i»egoti:»te with the government in regard to an Oeean cable. Tt»e gentlernau rvferred to may be verv interest- j ed in ti»o cable scbeme, but he is j not here iu any offici«l capacity. | At the s» ne time the govern- | ment is not sleeping. but ia in , steady comrnunieation witb the ! |.;»ities tbat proposo to promote ; the cable eeheme. A gentlem .u fuliy auihorized to deal with the governm-*ut is hera and proper negotiatious aie boing carried out with hirn. In fact ; the prospects are that l»efore anotheryear has goue by the blessing ot telegraphic communioation with the outside workl will nav0 reached Hawaii-nei.

Why wus tho govermneut in such a greut hurry to close the registration books? Tho electiou cloes not take plaee before the eml of lhis inonth and four I or five days would be all that the ofiiciuls woulil have ueeded to | “fix". thiugs. It seerus thut there : was not so mueh anxiety to get the people '*in' as the otficial p«pers woulel have us beliovo. Less thun 1900 v<>tors regi?tered i ou Oahu is hardly a satisfactory result to the government. It’s thoir own fuult.