Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 October 1894 — Saints not Sinners. [ARTICLE]

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Saints not Sinners.

— r If tbe Rev. Penrose, or what- , ever h*> name m*y be. d»d not understand th»t he in Honolnla’» < fashion*ble ehoeeh w*nUl ficd ,nly «e:nts and no ak.nen; he de>erves be;ng kiekeU out. Tbe saintiy gent!emen. who never fell and the eqnally sa«ntly iadies j «iio never »ndo!getl « n the oat-, «5de are justly ind»gn*ct to le »n < thnt tbe BevereQ>l t*eurw« smok- ! v\, dr*nk aod— s*y pl»v<d {-ool* He ought t-> bc «»«i:araevl an>l «ir.cerely hope that hi«< suceessor vr.II *now at lea»t to keep up -ppe;;ranc ■> How Sbock<ngiy snd disgo»ted! Crnz»n w..s “fired b«*canse be drove fa»t borsos and tohl bis congregation that they | were ail in tbe mod f»»nd you bet ! !<e knew tbem). Mr. Penrose is ‘ ‘ fire<r’ becau»e be sn»ok-i and | t. !!s the >«rae congreg;»tion that he pro.vcbe8 the word of Cbrist t • sinners and uot to -»aints. And tbe A<hfrti*er man will probably j be ' fired’’ because be wa»hes tl»e “3oiled’’ linen of tbe Centr.»l Union in front of the public! And 1 yet tbere is no eartnqnake. no j tid.il w;»ve, no millenium ! Jones, : H.ill an-1 *he world raove along! j