Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BRUGE GARTWRIGHT of a Fkisciarr Xalsrt Tr&as*ct«d # Protnpt *ttectioa give& to tbe 3ia&ageiBent of Eat*tes. Gn \riiiasbips. Tmsta, et?.. etc., eie. Ca f«right Bnilding, Merchans Street. Honolala H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters ANl) Provision Merchants 98.Fort Sirotif. - Ilonolnlu Families, Plantations and Sbips supplied witb cboicest European &Amerixxin Grocerie* California Prodnce by Every Steamer. M©rchant Ii!xchange Comor King ano Naaana 8treota. S. I. SKAW Proprietor. Tho Finest se’eotion of LIQUORS and BEKR. soId anyvhere iu the town. First-das3 a!tendance. Call and jndge foryoarself. no 113—tf. LEWIS & C0., Who!esale F $nd Retaii 6ro AND PE0V1SI0N DEALERS. FRESR CAJiIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every 8;»n Francisoo 8tcamer. Salt Salmox ix Barbels a Specialtt. Ill Fort SL % Honolulu. Tel, 240 , P, O. Rox 207. [<.AHULUI,

S\(« Si|iq, PROPRIATOR. sept 7--tl KENGLUN, PHOTOGBAPHEB, Nuuana »nd PanaUi S*rvete. Cabinetō ; 13.50 Per Dozen, “ 2.00 Per 1-2 Doun, 8x10 $5,50 Per Dozen, 3,50 Per 1-2 Dozen. Dry Goods and Chinese Silks. Empire Saloon, J.\MES OLI>S, P*.>nuKtOR:

pine Wliies, Liquois. Beei ALWAS 0S HA27D, utd Hotei.Stre«ts BaO Telepboo« 941. Pwt OOe* fiox 107 ~CĀUFORNIA Wine Company 407 F0RT STREET, Mclaeruj BlooV. ■ — JOBBER8 OP W1NE8, and