Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 October 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]

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% CŌNSTITUTION and LAWS ■ Frained bv the Missionaries ā L AWS of tlie HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. ‘21 lf tho Jadges are about to br : ng a man to trial. and any peraon is supposed to be acqu«inted with faotsconneoted with the afluir it shall bo pr >per f>r th;it mao to attend tho trial and give in his testi aain*. And if ha bo sudp>ene<l by the Judge to attend, and ho d cs not go, he uhall bo puniahcd to a d-'groo proportioned to the importtnce of the lrial. but it ahall not be less than teu dollars, and tn»y exc , 'ed to any exteut to wh'oh th" Jadg-* ahall Ihiuk propor. If the witne.ss do not \rish t» g>, ho may refuso unloss he be notifidd at least lweuty four hoars pr<>vious to the trial. 2 i If the accuser «nd the accus«d be botb (ore : gnera, thon the jury shall bj m >de uj> of f-r <gner-* *nh*. If there b* uo foroig ier ou eit!ier s d >. tiien ther** »h ill be no f>re : gn.T <>n the jury. If there b>* a f<*reigner on <>ne side and a nativa on theolhor then in fortning the j iry, !.alf g!ia'I !>■ foreigners andh.tif n <tive. Bit if the foreigner acoased b> a Prenchmm, tbeo this liw res ><>ct ng th • for nV o i <»fthej >ry will n«t b* >ppl c l>'e See Fi , tnch Treaf>j A!1 the words of this L\w having recoived the ap .r bition of the N*ob!es and Kepres ntativc-*J wo have hercanlo set oar 0.111168 on this fifth day of Miy in tbe ye ir c f our Lord one thousand e ght hundred and f>rty tw > ot Lahaina, M»ui. (Signed) KAMEHAMEHA III KEKAULUOHI. CHAPTER XLViIJ. PROCLAMATlON'. Know a!l men whom it m»y conc rn, thit from »nd afler ihe twentieth day of the c irrent ui>nth, »11 G iv u nmeat property shall be set apirt by its«lf, and »hall bc entir*dy »t the d:rectioa of the N*t : onal eoaoeil. and no portion thereof ehall l>e appropriated except by c >nseat of this oouneil. Xeither tbe King, Premier nor any G >vernor nor any other person ean take for hieown personal ase arA' (Joverament Proporty, it shall bo held sacrvd t > purposes »>f Governmont. and all sach Property sball b? committed to tbe eaio of * Nalional Treusury Board. And it is bereby pr >laim«l tfaat the Governmoot will nerer pay any debt contrscted evea by his M*je*ty the King. nor by the Premier n»>r by aay Governor, n>r by any other perSjo.funlese the debi be contracted throagb the Trt-«»ury Bourd, aud the ubI : gat;on have tbe s:goature of the Kiug and Premier.