Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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ŌONSALVEj Best Pi Allw»rs Kc«ps oa n* of thc v<i ioaeep ooap la C*»e3 of O,. 4i, J> it) v THIS SO.\P t - fiaest Imponoi M ;r , 8PECIal prices f 1N LOT>' JiS. 1P EV i i iH|R Celebrated Brands f SC0TCfl WIIISaKī BEN ALOOeiIL W, Ainsley s 0LD Blemled OL; ;, ct GLH ,M0.V Extr . s t glenlion SPECIALLIOLL( k . SC0TCH WhISKi;V. ir-“o City - Carriage Mf’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107.KINO STRE; t D. BEJllT, M, S ja

Blacksmith Work a;.d Cirnagi R>n' PAINTING : AND :TR Tn all its Branchr , : Rock Prices. Mulual Telephone 382 Give us a Call for your3e!f. AD«i3!isTHATio:rs >: r:: niE UNDER.-UG.VED hav; >gpoii>ted Admin!»trator ot th 01 ir i* liereby given to thc deceased to prēseat th*;ir red i- by or r • tnthendle*tcd an<i wlth t!■- ; _ to the ut - month* from the date hereo( , ba r* d: and •» P-r deCtM ‘ !l neqae»t 2? edtate Pf- Vment the 0 sas-*Bk Qi - ■’ KAiLI PETELO KAl K*kn?'?u‘7 tor of ,he E ' K*kol, (k) deee»std. Honololo, 8ept II, isw. YJ£E OHAN

®f en $ Fiije Cf]ol2 Fine Tailor>ng ■rine Chinese and Japanf01 Ha n<ikerchitf=i «*•« Nan.no St. 1 _ ltt * P *°- B«x 253. j } :. J - H. TKUSCJHLEi:, ° ot *St iW 8treet, »ole 1)0110 ba! } i tb * l ,«7 ,e aB< * teel sewinj .

Gust - A. Mauer. *""*** «**,. Barbeu L***» Sha npvM „ }>VM ng a ēt )€c ***!!' EenohUiL