Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
rr INSUEANCK,-^ FIRE AND MAPīNE; ' , » THK l : !TDERSIGNED is acthobizkd T0 TAKE F1BE asd MaKLNE RISKS ON Buildinffs, Merchandise, H ulls- Cars:oes, I | and Commissions F 1 : At CuiTont Rates, in the Following Cos. sajiely: ROYAL IXSURANCE COMl'AKY, LIVERPOOL, I - «■ ALLIANOE A8SURANCfi FiRE MARIN T E, LONOON, WILHELMA OF MADQEBURG GENER\L 1NSURANCE CO. SUN INSURAN'CE COMPANY, SiN FR\NC1SC0. J. S. WAI .KER, Agent tor the Hanaiian Islands.
Robinson Bktclc, Holel St., heiween F</rt and Nuuanu, Have Just I{eceiv<d, per Late Arri\alp, tbe I rifree-t Stcck cf FUB N1TURE Ever lmported to thLs Country, Comprising I H ndso me Carved Bedroom Sets In Solicl Oak, a*dot the LATESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 THES£ SETS: WIOKEH WARB, Boautiful Designs of Wick|r Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHA1RS, ROCKERS, etc.,you ean get these in sny FINISH you desire. CHAIHS, Countless numbers of CHAIRS, in everv stvlo, including OFFICE and HIOH CHALRS. E.HTElTSIOIT TABLBS, We have hud a of oalls for these Tables, with CHAIRS to match. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE £VER SEEN HERE. m
I Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers irDIVA]VS,^i Divans covered with PORTIEES are becomiug qaite the rage in f>lace of LOUNGES—wo mauufacture ti.em to order, and have a aige stock of PORTIEES to seh-ct from. BE3JDXDI3STO-. Gre«t Assortment ofWOVEN WIEE MATTRE8SES—Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool aud Straw Mattresses on hand and made to order LIVE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK Pillows CRIBS, CRADLES. eto. AVINDOW SHADES of all colors and sizis. CORMCE POLES, in wood or br«ss trimmings. 13 B Ū=.A. IEI ET.<3-. Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furuiture repaired at reasonable ntes. CABINET MAKIN’O, in ail its branehes, by Competent Workmen. MATTING LA1D and Interior Docorating under the Supervisiou of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. * Onr Goods «re First Class, aud our prices axe the lowest Come and be convinced —a trial is solicited. Bell 525. telephon*es: Mutuai 645. ORDWAY «fe PORTER. Eobinson Block. between Fort and Nnnann
Tklephokes: Bell 351 JMutual 417 Residence; Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F,«B. THOMAS, - ' — C0NTRAGT0R and BUILDER E.stimates Given on AIl Kinds OP ) il, k AII Kinda_of Jobbing in the Building Trade Attcndcd to. KEEP8 FOR 8AL.E; Bnc», Lime. Cement. Iron Stone Pipe and Rttings, 0_ n m-, 01d * Kew Oorragnted Iron. Minton Tiiee. V»eny lilee, ueorted aiiea nnd oolon; CMbing %&&&£* OPF.CE a ( >*o«P n.