Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
IA0IES’ OOLUMK. U- v..n r • !-• f»,|* facl (Zs.t Tm are g ive a | ,ticket t lhr » lVe^aS.tf *’.y ti tT r>>a»ch 1 | H »purch:#e? These *re ordi..Db'ed ? r l j tbr !ead ne qu«t; t >-;9 of the d*r. | | ou toald thiut joif vou keew how * msnv t;mes we h»re an»'vered them j m the l*'t «reei—b t we nerer t : re ‘. oI aM*eriog *av aud »1! qoe»t;on&. r iour onlr regret ‘e tliat weare unahle lo g : re one gr jnt! exo ir«oo *nd j t ,ke a(I «vr enelomei* l. the VoI!jfn:o; t irre a way l!j.t ererv one ean get tbcre throogh the;r de.iings vith as Q«iick S;»!cs and Smal! Pr>tits mean simplr thl?. J Economy t» yoa and if voa «!«b, to ?ave ihe d tfercn-.'2 l>etweea oi r | j>nct-s and far:cy j*r.ces t won't | , be lo:.g Kt«>ro you w iil rjili*e that Jud.cious huy ng «ill pay *r' r | pleasure trii>s. KEEP £VfiRY IPURCHASE CHECK you get between now and Christni»s, «nd if | you Want to, you ean gtre them . i to some wi rt hy friand. ■ It lo>k3 r as though the r.iiny season has s«-t iu snd \re r»re go:ng to make n run on rainv weather g->ods. UMBRELLAS .t PARASOLS, COMFORTERS & BL \NKETS, • . lVom 11.00 up. FLANNELS & Ff. ANNEI.ETTES, SrUi\VLS& WO >LEN G >ODS The goo<ls ».re all new aml j st wh t you neeil. Do you want to see thf Vi>!c»uo? If you do, you have just as g xk! a ehanee as any oue else. E. & H B. F. EHLERS & C0. Fred. Hamson. C0NTRftCT0R AND NILDER The Leading Builder IX HONOLULU. Estiraa(cs g;ven on all kinds cf Brīck, lron, Stone and Wood n Builtfing'. J«>bbing of all kinds. Building Material f»>r Sa!e. 5l0 and 512 Kiug Street. Reside-.ce Tolej>h n?,B. j Il 2-7. P. O. Box 11. oc2-tf POUND MASTEK’S NOTKEXotice is bereby given to all p»‘isons that tbere nra at tlie Gorernmout Pound h Makiki s uee tbe lir&t d«y ol’Oct 1891. 3 bor.ses and a eow 1 bay iu«re witii a Iittie wbite spot at the forehaead, branded J C on the left hind leg; 1 brown iuare, no brand on; 1 cream mare w.tb a little wbite spot at the foreheud. All the four legs wlute Bnn le«l B on the left huul leg; 1 retl eow no brund, nght ear chope<l otf thns A * Any person or persoc8 owniug Ihea»' anima!* aro reqaested to eome -»nd tike tbe same on <»r hefore 12 o’eloek noon Oct. 13 : 1891 SATUUDAY Wx. R.upa P»und Master. MAiki Oct- 1.1894. cct 4 Ft*T . M\1 kE Ti E T c -» Comer Kie« AUkiea 8u«t#. CaiarinoV:4e(Bffl!rdtoR o y Bi lmj 3t«itn<Y fr» Fnu> ewew, siib Fresh Fruif, 0ysters, S3/mon, Pouliry, I * E;rJ £xc. Eia. t.a