Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ilani w ai ' 3atb.HDusE t Phe us il- n» gel navirg I EA«Er * ;he we i «r«*wr i B iTH r lio’ se it Waik ki» b»gs to ii fom - wa. thjt it w ?f be r.n «s • * t Strictly First-Cfass BATHlNG RES0RT . i \ S «ci»' »ccmo -odition? f>r Lidi-' -*rd Chi!dr»n. 'V. S BAKTLETT. Pr 'j»riei -r. a r Tr iu-car.-: ['a«s the plaee P()I ND MASTEH'fc NOTICE. Xotice is hertby givrn to all th«t lhere are at the G!'T»,-rrifuent Poond at Masiki. 1 creaai n>are n * hrand. 2 u*hite fet-t on r‘ght aiile; 1 brown h-<rst-br.«nded V E « n rght hind hip, white 1 on back. 2 white s|»ot <>a hij>; 1 brown mare branded V «'u ltlt hiiul hip; 1 cbestnut in.ir- not brand; 1 br >wn. m.ire rtud 1 ym:ng horse br >nd-ds PR on !i«-ck: I bay hor?e branded; AF i. lm,d h : p. Auy pers«m or persons owr»ingl th( «o horses :.re requested to euine and L>ke Ihe same on ori before 12 ,’el. ek uooo, Saturday, | October 2 >, 1894. Wm Kaapa, Pound .Master. Makiki Oct 8, ls94. octS tfd. LEE SU>U KEE, 4«) KING STBEET. TINSMITU, axd D£AI£R IX GL\SSi waro, Cnv>kery, Cuui-«7il Stores, W«ter 1 > > , « —Plu:«l>ing iu All IU Brauches FaithfalbrErecatcl. h’l®- 1 ! * ... /\SSiQNEE'S Si\LE ! THE ENTIRE STOCK 0F ! Wenner$ Co. WILL BE SOLD RegdrcJfess of Cost. ■ 8ept 0—tf IU8T ARBIVED, 8 BY • CARRiAGES OF ALL STVLES, ! IN TIIE I.ATFSr PATTEBNS. ‘SHOUSEHOLD SFWING MACHINES Uand Sewinq MaCH1N28, • ! J3f All Wilh the Lales> In.pT>T«nenu.‘^£J PAIILOK ‘Jracans, Gruitarri • Otb*r Mosic;u Io9tnuD0SfFi Wiaes, Liquois, Beci alwaysox hand. AXD FOP SALfc BY ED. H9FF8GHLiEGEB 4 C0. Kini oppo. Cwfl> A Onnk*‘«. loVeJoy*co. WfjoIe$aIe Wiqe \ 1 . Lipoi 1 Dealerg 19 X auanu Street We wou!d eal! y«'Qr at*enti«n to Our Sp«eial LongHfe $ Pure Cream rye whsskey. • Fredericksburg BE£R *u2 io ca«kour L . .a i l w