Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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! ‘ I !jAW/\ll/\N L. J. LEVBY Lcss. e W. K. DAILEY. . Mkii <;■ r — Secn*id Season of Dailey Stock Co.,| under the [»ers >nal direction (>t’ i W. R. Dailky. Tuesday E7enmg. OCT. o. 1S94. “The SIIiVEE KINw.” Thursday Evenf5ig, OCT. 11, IS94, “JIM the PENMAIi." | * 1 i Saturday Allemoon, OCT. 13, 1894 “A - Corner - Grc:8ry." | Saturday Evening, ccr 13. 1>94. “CHABLErS AUNT.”| Doors open 7:30, CurL.in ! wdl ri»e »t 8 o'e’oei prompt. se‘2*2 td REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Honae» to rent »nd for ade. | R nt» colleoted, coaveyancing in all its br»nches attendevi to witb promptness ar-d desp tch, Honoi lu Reai. Estate Agfjsct. 103 Fort St KOTICE-_-T, D»ring ray abscnca lrotu the ; couutry after the dep»rt ro of tbe ! **0~-anic” ior Cbiua Cuin Doek ; wili kare f d| ebarge uf mv basi- | na«i and aSdira gen» rallv. Wa luku. 24.1894 I ,l Aa Ouew /