Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 ʻOkakopa 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
»-* • • 1 - T'*« Malniani i» j n . 6 i Sl ' v «*r t. n īgh| ; • i Hand c oc. rt at T om..» Son»r. j tomotrow oight ■ n>-rb«rti aie now 8taying at SanK S »uci Mx. auJ Mni £»&*..« ieaee foi Knoai thĪ8 afteroooD The band concert iaat nigbt wa» a trr«nd Rnccesa. The Ciandhic saiistl,»s ;ift-r-imon ar,d will go to H.l> Jndge F< ster more<1 hia c fbce to Merchant Street. T!.e trasteea <*f the Qae<>i('g Mos|>itul will nii? r t tomorrr vr. The Waialeaie arrived frora Huwaii with cattle thia in ■rniug. ff>ti( divorce has heeu sti>ppe«l. The hnshand was eqnally gniltv. It is repcrted that officers Kiemme mul Cordes havo be< n suapended. Me slmll have tiio pieasure at last of witnessing eome new «een*»ry a{ t!ie Opera Honse. The ladies and children will be out in forco on S.iturduv after" noon to witnese *‘Coruer Gr cer\.’ Mr. C. Long has been app int. ' ed Notary Puhlie «nd has opemd an office on Kaahumanu Street. Tlie «ale of Frank Pratt’s W.ii kiki residence was postponed to the 30th inst The npsetprice is $15000. Tomorrow is a great ho!idiv among tbe Jews. Tbe Hoi.ompa will be issued as usa«lly. No jubi!ee here. ' Since yesterday's atfiir iu the Poliee Court, Deputy - Murshal I3r wu is thc inost populai* uian in town. — The dauce »t the Hotel last : nigbt \vas a great snccess. A uumlu’p»f beauties were thero and the nsoal male daucing set was to ’ f.he front. • Mr S, M. D.mion is feeding Mr. Hott’unng and party this i.ftornoon witb his celcbrated chowder. The party meets at Moaualua. x ; Editor Armstroug will probablv resign frora the Advertiser and take cl.arge of a kindergardeu. No fitter inan couid be found for tho job. — Tho departnre of S. Parker, j W. H. Oomwell aud otliers for Mani is very significant. Rt*yal- j ists staU(Ttogether. The thentre-g»ers of tbis nty j have long wished for an enterpri sing theatrical rannager and now that they have «ecnred one they l s hou)d uol let him be snppl«nted i bv the iuferiors who we have met | previonsly The nrtesian well now in eon- i struction on tho premises af Chas. Oooke on Beritania street is n«nrly finished. The *>!! wiil be of grat advant ge to tbe | district. The McCamllessbrotl ers are th« coutractors.