Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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arrivbd “\isx\ku\," Freach and Scotch Gingbam3 (new> ... .10c., -Oc. and 2ōc. Tictori» L >'Oi8 (new). 10 yda for <5o. TThite Gooda (new).. .10e., loe., 20c.. 25o., 3»}c.. 3 e Whito and Colored Dimitie3 [new] .*20c. and 25c Ll*unellett3. 411 colors. (new> 10 yds for $1.0 snn i old maxim—“Tbere is nothing new under th* k n ocked out. C ill and bo convinced. M. S. LEVY, Who is 09« settled in Ben3on, Smith Co. OKl SUnd. Fort Street. ••I

fIationaI Ipon Wofl^ QC£tX Sxr.EET, Between Alakea Kiehanl Sts THE UNDERSIGNED are prepared » make (\U kinds of Iron Brass. Fit»aze. Zinc. Tin and Lead C*8ting». Alo General Repair Shop for Steam Eugines. Rice Miila, Corn Milk. Water \Vbeels, \Vind Milla. etc. Maehinea lor the Cleaning ol GofFee, Castor Oila, lleana, Ramie, 8iaal, Piue»ipple Leaves other Fibmn-i Plants, And P«per Stock ALo Machines for Eitracting Starch f-'om the Manioe, Arrovr Root, etc, izr All Oxtlere promptly attended to. WHITE. RITMAN <f\ CO. < V1flQ-!-F/T-:-CHAN 1 —; FURNITURE DēALERS. Bcg to inform the pnhlie that lhey have opened a Branch Store at No. 322, Nuuanu \Vhere they carry a eomplele lin* of st ( 1 ] BEDROOM SET9, CHAIRS, I TABLE3, \VARDROBES. STANDS, Etc„ Etc., Etc. FurnltureRe|>a'irrd an«l Crneral .Iobliinjt j at Heaaonaiile Kate*. VING FAT CHAN, ( i Factory, comer of King and Bethel Streets. » sept 6-3ms Y. LUM SING, I Dealer in Fruits* and Groceries. Fresh Fruits by Every C.ilifornia 1 Steamer, Eresh Isfand Butter from Hawuii. 135 Fort Street. Coffee Roasted. P 0. Box 169 Fresh Island Produce, Goods Delivered to Any Part of the City, jy21 N0TICE. D. Howard Hitchcock has reopened his classes in druwing and painting at his Class-Room on Hotel St. Class instrnctions given every ■ \Vednesday and Satnrday from 8 ■ P. m. , to 12 p. M. Applicat'on for the full tcrrn shonld be made at onee. 1« CITY.CARRIAGE C0. 1 1 Corner KING and BETHEL St. i CAEEIAGES, AT ALL HOURS. Both Teiephoncs No. 113. J. S. ANDRADE, Managerj june 15-tf. a 1 f THOS. LINDSAY 208 Merchaut Street Honolulu. Aew Store, ness Jewelry Gold, Silver and Diamonds. Jewelry Mauufacture to order Watches c!eaned aud repaired iu ?.nd mapeel. e«4-tf To Let or Lense, w^^ > . u^JLi Ung Mt to T precDae«. Mr!or. d U,r ~ kUeken, b*lUroom, «Ubte» mO *U bm!i ??? fc J aieoc **‘ oe nplwi by Mr. Dcnb. Anemen w«er Utd; mot moder*!o to r PEBN A> DE2

u? Plw A *.#C $* WĒ^S^ • « «rri{ /■r'. J -.^ V |T’SAT088UP Sometiraes where to go *o pnrchase any particn!ar arti?le, hnt not if you happen to w int acvthing in the line of Artists' J5upplies, Picture p:ames or eularged portraits. there i> but one plaeo iu Honoluln, to pnrchase nll materials, anil that’s KING BKOS.’ Store, for whieh there is no rival on these Islands. The finest paiutings in Haw.iii, are on exhibitiou in tbisgalleiy. The firm makes a specialty of enlarging portraits as well as making picture frames in the very latest styles of moalding3. In the sheet pictures, they have thousands to select frotu of whieh they iuvite an inspection at auy time. KING BROS-, Hotel Street, : : ; H molaln ang. 25-1 mdiy. pOf\ S^LE J A Complete Hunting Outfit. Oue Irish S<*tter b;tch <»f the best bIo»>d m Aniep ea; regstervd •n the A. K. S. B. aud p rtly brokeo. Oue Pointer bdch by thec* ebr»t»d Gieube gh th.»t e» :?f0 »0 tn Kngland. O.ie l’up five weeks o!d Hther and mother thoroQghbre**d3. One Bnckboard bailt «ī-ue* ullv f'»r hnuting pur^oses. One 12 g*ugo L. C. Sra th g!in as go<>d aā new and in 6.1« f>rder. The abuve ootfit will be s.,>id eheap Euqaire of w. H. CUNNINGHAM, Anchor SaIoon. sepl9 tf MACHINE MADE POI! FACTORY, : : KALIHĪ. laro Plants, Fresh Tops and Kaw Taro at all times. Ring Pp >11110x1 Te!epbone 577. 3eH 345. W. L. WILCOX. j>*25 Manager, CiTY DRAYA6E CO. Standr Queen and Fort Stn.*et'White and Btactc Sand. 0rayiivg Done at Reus inable Kate?W. F. &ILiKKETT, iLouo»