Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 ʻOkakopa 1894 — From laysan Island. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

From laysan Island.

The Robert Lewers arrivcd in port this morning with a cargo of guauo from Laysan Island. Sbe raade the round trip in thir—ty days. It took her o days to go dowo to the island, aud on her homeward trip. She remaiued at the island ahoui 11 days. Everythiug was alright in Governor Freath’s domain and the prospects of tho corapany whieh own the *sland is highly roseate. Wiliia Fre» th and Archie Robertson retorned in the vessel and look as healthy as their mamraascould desire. Thev will at present go to schoolJ)nt both intcnd to return to the is- ; land where they found the everI lasting “fun.‘’ A week before the Robert Lewors arrived one of the Jap- , anese laborers stole the steam launeh belonging to theoompany and set out for unknown parts. i He will probably joiu the Mikado’s fleet and make it hot for the i celestials. A\hen the theft wns known to Captain Freeth it is i stated that the air around the i ! island was “blne’’ and that a “salvation” arrny is mneh necd ed near the court of tlie governor.