Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
S-ptember 17, if we remeraber oorrectly tbe W3S tbo first of the “Whiie Sqatdrra ’ t> vis t Hono- , lu!n. Her arrival < n her second c n : Sjj is still in the rainds of neoplo who wero heie on Janu.irv 29, 1891. When with fl-iR3_at hilf-nMSt and y*rds oock-bnilt s .e entered port with the body of King Kalakaoa, the kind attentior.s shown by the officers to i the King during the voyage i to the United States and the, a!j most sacrei mmner in whieh the , bodv’ was gnarded whieheiue ! oonie to the Islands, endeared ! tbe “Charleston” to tbe people ' of Hawaii. As mneh as it was in the power of the people, tneir appreciation was shown to tlie | officers dnring their sta} T and when sa'led they left*graven on 11<blets of love and raemory.ev- ; idences of their Aloha for Hawa.i. Few, if anv, of the officers who were here then aiv on the | vessel now; some have reached I the age of retirement and others have gone to other vessols bnt the Charlestou is still grean in I the heait o( the Hawaiiuns. j Have vou ever used a Pansy | | Stove? We have been selling | them for fonr or five years and to-day they wear the “Yellow Coat” in the empire of stoves. They are recognizod by evtry ōue, eveu dealers in other stoves, as a superior article and one whieh tbey do not care to run up , against. Of course stoves may be bought from people who are j uot dealers. We have people running here every day or two for fire bricks ond parts belong- ! I ing to stoves they have bought 1 ' frora other parūes, and when they fiud they cannot get them they discard tbeir stoves and i bnv a “Pansy.” Yon see there i is ā clisadvantage in buying dear ! things at low pnces. Come to us and get a Pansy at 00 and ! vou get full value for your raone}\ Y*ou don’t get a 875.00 range for fifteen dollars. miud you, but you get a first class stove tliat is worth Tbirty dollars | to any one Our Ready Mited Paiuts are i suited to the wants of neoplo who j have a litt!e paiiti'ng thoy want to do tberaselveA Tho advantage in bnying a prapared pajnt is tbat yon ha\e the benefit of the best raixers in the United States withont hrving to pay for I it. The paiut ii ready for uso 1 directly you takf the top off the | ean and if yoa dor’t fiud it eheap er and better tban auy you ean raix ycurself we are mUtakeu iu our experience’ ln California the t>aintei-s are nsbg the prepared article in to boying j lead and oils be« iose they find it to tbeir advantagi to do so We ! believe it is oriy a question of time when the piinters here will fall into line. Hanging lampi are in as great deraand now a* ever. People seem to want for lighting pnrposes tlnt will give as good ligbt as tlx son—they find ! it in the lamps *»e are giviug away. Our cheapstand lumps are I an excellent thing for a servants | roora and will iad a ready sale ! in the Island dores. We ean \' supply any detmid. for a single lamp or for a thccsand. Tbere’s lots Hawaiians whose Kuleanaa need fencing ! and we have thevire with whieh to do it We lutealso the materiai for buildhg a fence that { will iast uniil 1od{ a!(er the milleniom. Instead of paying a bigh piiei for pods, or even getting tbem for tU cutting. your . fence will cost y<t Iess m >ney if I you fcuy steel stays and wasbers and mnke a JomsLocked fence. We have everjtiing you want Iin tbe hardware md hoeue fur* nishing goods iae you visb. And we court inrestigation as to I their qoality and prices. MEanminnK Ci. FortSti«et : ■ -