Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 October 1894 — ALL THERE [ARTICLE]

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Mr. Diiley «nl bis Com}wuy . have good reas-ons to be satisfie»i with their secoud season iu Honolula. They fu»ly deserre tbe pitronage whieh the theater- { going people extend to tbem. j S«tarday’s performance <iTade ao ! im;neu>e hit The acdience whieh crowded the Open H >ose to its utiaost C4pacity w»« kept in « constaut roar during the perforoanee of “A Night Off All tbe performers played with Iife and sevmed to enjoy the sbow ( <s mueh «s *tbe ao.lieaee did. ! Che d«nc!ng of Miss St»ckemeyer >as creatad a sensation aud it is ; ui be hoped thut tbe clever anist ! w : ll appear on tbe boartls to the j satisf«ction of her «dmirers every • 1 night. Tomorrow evening “Siiver King - ’ will he perfonued. A j l«rge «udience will be presect to j see il/o great «eenie drama A11 | the sceu<-r, is new and |speoially paiiited for this oeeiaion by , Dailey’s scenic artist. Tbe dnraa is highly inttresting ! and will be appreciat c d by every body who ean secure a ticket. Thereare not too m«ny left.