Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 ʻOkakopa 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


[We do eo» hoW onr«e’ve4 r»spoa<ibW for tlie opini->as or the a.ter»n.ces of onr eonpea pondt nto.} Editor Uolomua; Having nolieeel in the press of the past fow \veeks. cousiderable coroment on the nction of W. M. Cnnninghnro nud others. \vith regnrd to an alleged violation of the garoe lnws of this repnblic, it seeros to me as a visitor here tbat a most peculiar method of administrating luw bas been resorted to. It is well knowu tbatjn all English speaking countries a man has to bo proven guilty of any crime or roisdemeanor of wliieli bo may liavebeon nccused, before any a?tion ean be taken. Certain would-be co-sports-men have accnsed Mr. Cunningbarn of a violation of the garae laws aud bave asserted tbat tbey bava proof positive ou whieh to support their accusation. Why have not these gentlemen taken wbat wonld seem to be tbe propor course, naraely? Have caused tbe Srrest of Mr. Cunniugbam und proven bis guilt? (if tbey could) ls it because they are as far in the raud «s he is in tbe mire; and in baving him nrrested woukl bring to light evidence whieh woukl incrirainate tbero equally with Mr. Cuuninghara. if these gentleman ni-e not afraid, let tbem take steps wlneh will ouable Mr. Cunniugbaui to prove his innoeeuee. or will enable thom to prove bis guilt. Tbo conspiracy case was disraissed on the grouud tbat Mr. Cunningbam would have to prove bis innoeenoe, before ihe case against bis nccusexs eoukl hokl good. His innoeouee of wbat forsootb? No cbarge has been brought against him in a public court nnd the only step tbat seoms to have been taken; is tbat a protest has beon filed with tbe minister of tho Interior against tbe issuance of a sbootiug license to Mr. Cunningham. Now, brother sportsmen, show the public what evidence you have to justify you in the action you bave taken to prevent Cunniugham from eujoyiug tbe same priveleges, whieh yourseives enjoy. If you cousider yourselves true sportsmeu give Cnnningbam n ehanee to viudicate bimself before the puhlie and don’t resort to underbaud measures to prevent n man frora enjoying a pleasnruble 1 healthful sportin whieh be is nn- ; doubted!y an adept; and tbis very fact leadsone to sufraisetbat pei1 ty spite and jealonsy may have > been a considerable factor in bringing about the proceedings I of whieh I am writmg. Tbere is no doqbt that Cunninghatn is a good shot and tbat ' be bas as fine a paek of dogs, hotb useful and ornaraenta). as anyor.e ean wisb for and possibly some jealousy of him and his snceess may be pardooab!e, bm ’ it should not iake the form el uuderhand persecntion. Tbe bare assertiou oi certaic gentlemen that Cunningham is gnilty of an ofTense. does nol prove tbe fact, ao let these acus * ent eome ont like men and givc bim a ehanee to ieli his stde ol tbe story aud t*>ereby regaiu tb< respect of the sporting eommn • mty wb»ch they have jeopardizd(i i aouewbat by tbeir Uftt aotiou.