Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 October 1894 — THEY PLEAD IGNORANCE. [ARTICLE]

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Tho e !itor of the Adrerti*er J' hfls h.td a letter from a Mr. j ] Truroi»!v in whioli tho latter be- ! waiU the fact th »t “the people M in the SUtes are deos-ly igno- i ] rnr.t of Hawoiian aflairR The e!itor then gnashes bis tectli and stanii s hie nnmber 10 b otg in i.is s inctura sancloratn an I ye!U; “We have kaowu thi«, | for a li»ng tinie, and have felt in- i d tgnant. C»reat Scott! « hnt an admission ' i for om e't<ioa.ed conteraporary , to mnkel We have used eolumna after colurans to ehow that tha Statos kuew nothiug abont Hawaiian j atf<iirs. 4 1 We l.avo tried to tell them tbat 1 thc c arcfu! iovestigntioo and ei- ' 1 hanstive r«'port cf Mr. Bh<unt j I was all tbut was before the States 1 if thev wouM att**rapt to judge [ 1 Hawnii. He, an honest aud a clevor . man, was on tho spot and be ; formod his opinion from his personnl observation, his loeal ex' peiieueo an<l his alani judgment. He preseatod it to the States; and the peoplo, or ruthor the i poIiticians on the other side s«id i “begone wo want you uot, we i know better.’* And who bragod louder than tho cditor of the Advtrliaerl Who “wrote llio “superior knowlegde’’ articles in the Xeto York Sunf , Who prorapted tho republican poI ticians uud the Sen«tef The very man. or at least tlio . clique to whieh bo bolongs. who now through the columns of tho Advcrti*er whiuo their eomplainl and say. The poople of the States are deusoly ignorant of Uawaiian • atf«irs ! But it will l>o mueh bettor for tho honor of tho States and for the diguityof llie people, that i they remain ignorant, and that j whou soiuc day the judgmeut of | Listory is pronounced over the I gro«t r< poblic, ignorauce, laek of | intorest. aud deficient know lc’dge ean bo pleaded as Gxtornuating circumstances for the irreclaimable infaoiy with whieh tho Uuited States of Araeriea has covorod itself tbrough the Hawaiian “incideut.”