Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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macfaelase a co. « «• Deakrs in Wina an i SpiriU Street, Hoaololn. H. E. McINTYRE A BRO. Gbocebt, Feed Store & Bakekt. Corner of King &n<! Fr»rt Sts.. Honolnla I. PHILLir8. iT, ; TI? it ' f:\JTWl. X)PPET. SMiTH, ,r ' Hous»e and Sh ip Joh Work Proinptly Execatnd. No. "1 King Stv»et. lionolai i l)h. McLESSAN, Foit Stre*»t,; U’We H« t L Mutuii Telepbone (Jrii, f<>r oflice; 287 lbr residence. iy2o j:d. c uow i Hou*e Sign aniī Omamenlo? Pui/tlc*r. M.»nbf;«ct'jre < f 020 King StreeU ;uigl LEWIS J..XEVEY. I Ketil Kstate and AiK*lfotteer. V>ra«-r,Kort aa<l Qu* u Strcets HoloIu.^ 'eihonal a g>von to Haies of Reul £stnte. St.ock Oeneml MercfUaR<Jise. Mutoftl Ti-Jotiho4M *J;{8 “FAT 80Y.” BAY H0RSt 'M 8AL00H I P. M« IXKRNV, l’KorHiCTOR, Fine Liqiiors, Wines and Beer. Oo&KEU Bctiiel akd Hotei. Sts. - r " - 11 ■ ■ ■ Honolulu Carriage Rfanufactory W. \V. WRIGHT, Pkophieīok, (Saccessor to 0. West). pAr.RIA«.E BUILDIN*. vnd UEPAIRING. L All Orders firom Uie Olher Islands in thc C*rrlagc Bnilding, Trinun'nK «nd Painting l.ine v* ill Meet wilh Pr< mpl AUonllon. B!ack*;inltbini in AU Hs Vnrioos Bninchos I)ono. P. O. Box 8Ji. Ko«. aml L30 Fort Strect. jylD Iv W. S. LUCE Wine and Sr>irit M©rchant FirC‘}rroof Block, vrEROHANTST. HONOĪAH.U, 71 :BOTH TKLEPHOXES:T1 —cb N SOLl DAT ED — SODA WATER WORKS -:- 00. (i,TMITTED.) * XOTHK. U, mhom ane wsrn«d uot to peraut i theīr animals ro txe<spass cn the lanus [ Kanewai am! KamoUnli, belongniR tbc mVrsigne<! rict- planters. Ali •*““??* .nuii ou str»ymg on the nee lau>!» will oe uponm!e<l or ahot. LENIAl WAl SING KEE. ll. nolain. Ang. ‘29 18W. ang »-lni.l>: Tol WoWing Kee Co. M NL UANU sTRKET Deai«rs in Lt»Jies* «fc Gent? B »oif nnd Show «n:\de to «»nii r. P O »*• Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “ AUSTKALIA, Another Iavoice ot the orld lieoownoel FREOERICKSBURG UGEP« BEER | Ou draught aud by tbe keg.. Also, as a Spcoialty. §MALL FPLSH CAUt0xH<A 0YSTERS, COCKrAlLS tuayl