Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 ʻOkakopa 1894 — HAWAII'S “ BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]
CONSTITl : TIOX aml LAWS Framt‘d bv thc Missionaries V \ • LAWS of the H AWAIIAN ISLANDS. 16 When the time for a session of the court approaoho3. then the tax oflictr, or sora.‘ other officer iu his plaea sha ! l draw oiit s!sor mor • narnes aocording t > tho uecessitii’Sof the court. though iha n'imber drawn ahouW always b’ aome thing greater than the number reqnired on the jury. lest some fail aml the courl bo embarrassed. lf the jury bo eonstitutod of foreigners only thon there shall neverbo lessthau eight. If the-jury b? const tnted of hdf foreigners snd half nativea, t|o foreigners shall never be less ihan six, ond the aame also of Fartiierraore. il a foreign vessel bi at anchor at the pl ice of the oourt, and the Governor choose toapp>int the Captain or Captains on tho_ jury, he ahall have a riglit t> do so. This is t<> be left entirely to the discrotiou of thc Govoroor, ho consideriog tbe nature of the difliculty. 17 At tlm time of tri d,ifany one of the jury who was prop<;rly sainmoned do not appear he shall be lineii ten dollars, though the judge may exctmo him if tiiero is snllicient . cause. Cut the juryraen raust loo notified atleast t >rty eight hours beforo session of tbo coort. An ofHcer sh »11 saew him a sabpoeua When the jury assembles then if tbere be exb:b;ted ju?t cius- why any one th * jury shou!d n t act f>r good evidence thut lie is unjustly prejudi ed, tiieu t e judge shali look at the c.»s*, and ii he eousidcr 1 10 .;Cft i- u.ons to be well gro.md d, ho shali s«st thatjorym >u aside, a.*d anothor sha!l b* i>ut in hi.s pluen Bnt uo oue sha!l l>o ael aside if thejndg- cousid“r thit tharo is uot sjflicien‘ gronnd for ii. 18 When ihe jury is org*nisedTiey shall theu be sw .rn t > act occord;ng l > what they sh dl e n?cieutiously bcheve to be truth, a id witbout bia», und lo coudemn him whom tbey re»lly bel:ere t» be in f»u t and j'istify h.m whom they reall}' bel eve to be j »-t. Iist n r g lo the teatim ny of the i w.tnesses, and refloct ng wail on .very tbing whieh has » tendeucy to cstabli-h liie trath. They hive n ti: ng t> sjv reapecting li.e iaw, that is ihe depirtmeot of the judg“, he sball determioe the meaoi»g, and he shall pronounee the s.»uen<:e of punishment. K) AU f >reigiers *h» aet o.. a j iry sh.»Il ba p».d for lh .’ir I servicCs one d *ll jr per d»y. If tiio trial be one of great impirtiuc- so that two b jndml «lollan» are previoasly i«aid into the ha;.Js of the judge, theo tr.«oh jin man ahall receivo tvro duiiara per day. , 20 When a man istried F>r ••» Ci|»it»I ofTaose,be shall not be conderuned lo uu*«sthe j iry s p?rfeclly »greed. But in trial« for tbe oth“r crimes lbreo fo irtbs of tbe jary shall be s >fiicie it to d *cide the e***. 8»t il* thr« f >arths do o>t »igree, tb; J udge ahall have pow r u» seml them to a tight r>»om. »hat the d>or, set a gaard and eooliae Ihom tbere ontil tur»je f mrlha are agre«d. Tbe J ..Jg» sball in ihia respcct act in bīa discret:on.