Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
GONSALVES i 3r vf U..- V r . Bost Piooeep Su;i n Ij C»**# jf 4>„ j). ni r THIS SOAP t? T - Finsst Importcd H=:s. SPEClAi, PRICES F» . IX LOTS M .11«! EV t nts Celebrated Brands of SCOTCH WIUSREf BEN ALDOCHLA\. Ainsleys OLI) Blendcd Cdenliver GLL .NION K\tra. . 6LEMI0N SPECIAL LIOLLl R SC0TCH WhīSKEY ir-*8
City - Carriage Mf’Q. Co. Bfacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEJ\lī, Mpja Blacksmith Work AJ.D Cam’3j> R>pairli3 PAINTING : AXD : TR1MMIaG In all its Branchfri, at !!•'! Rock Pric*‘?. Mutual Telephone 3S2 Give U3 a Call for j'ourseIf. ADMINISTRATION’SNC::CS.
TīIE tJMDSRSIONED haviti,' ' J 8ppf>inted .\'iminUtral‘ir of t!. Petelo Kakoi. (k) latc of Uon Oeeeueil. N'oticc 1 3 kti the deceased to prēi»erit tbelr t: • - > secured by Mortjr»jce. or otli •utbendic»ted «n<f with the pn» r’ if any ex|gt fo the under> 1 month* from the datc bcrcof ■ forerer b«rred; and «II person- ir : the s»id deci-ased are rr-qn -1 b ir mediate payincnt at Uie Otf: l ' KAtn.l.i, Curncr o i Oaeen ai ! ' Strcets, Cp-«tairs. KAILI PETELo K a' Admini.»fr«tor of tbe Estst Kai*ol, (t) deeeased. Honoluio, Sep? 11, YJDJi; QHAN, DEAI Ek Lv ] r iil0 $ood> 1 Fine Tailoring Fine Chinese aud Jipar.e ! __ Handkerchuf31 to 33 Nuuanu 5t. I r lulu, P.O. Box 253. iv-3 J. H. TRUSCHLEK. H°ot & Shoeniakef. loO Fort Sireet. Kepainn», neatly Done, aole and heel witb rl Hal£ sole and heel sewing >15’ •u7 Gust. A. Mauer, UAWAIlAy UOl'EL ■ Ladie4 Skampooiny a HowMu. augl- *■