Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

! Removal ! Hptace & Co H.WE MOVED TO — | Morgan’s - Auellon - Pooma for » ibort !imc, W'e »r«tn! #eU»n* Departure Bay COAL | CiIARGQAL. AI.GEROBA aiui K1XULING WOOP in anj qaanūtT Both lelephone* 414 »uō POUND MASTBR’S XOTICE. Xoticf> is be»by given to aU penons th*t there are at Use Gorernn»ent Poenii st Makiki, two str.»veil bnlb. 1 black bull bnjkded Kon riJht himl leg. 1 pineo bnll brand indiscno«ble ou leg. Anv pei»f»n or persons owing thes»e bnlls «ē reonested t«> eouie and take the same on or before 1*2 o’eloek noon, SATrBDAY, SE1*T. 1 r«. 1SW. JAMES KUKONA, Fonnd Master. Mukiki, Ang. 30, 1SW. ang.TO-lw.lv ! Ploneer Sh!rt Factory 1 £STABLISHED A. M. MELLI8. Proprietor, [ 51S Fort St., Honolalu, (Up«tair*> Good Fit CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER CO. (LiMirrED.)

E8PLAN ADE: for, Allon «nd ForiSi». : : Honoluln ITOLLlSTER & C0., Aeeal*. F0B 8ALE. A FIKE “ MIDNIGHT ’’ STALLION eoU belonging to P. D. Isenberg. The colt ean be seen at the PANTHEON STABLE from to-morrow. tf. The White Houae! 118 Nuuauu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ Firft-da® l}ūoming }Iou$e IX EVERY BESPECT. Rsams froi $1.50 to $3.00 per Weet or 50c. per BayJPA.UL LEMKE, PROPRIATOR. Bell Telephot.e 132. aug 22

-NOTICE T0 Visltors. Pienie Parties. Lnans —AND—GEXERAL PUBLIC I At SlffTH 3 BcS AXD LlVCHY Stable, Kix<; Stbeet. [Adjoining Nfrtropohtan Meat iLirket.] to c,u “ d “ Mataal Te!epbone 408 «ngl-t/

pl^dlj MAlkei, E T c., Contr Kiae »nd AUke* Strwt» CaffiariBos RefrigeratoFs By rre.j Stoiur from Fr«ywMh Fresh Fruit, Oysfers. Ss/mon, Poul(ry t