Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LADIES’ OOLUMK. ; many tia:e« we havean£«rem}theiQ m ihe la«t week —but we never tire ' j of answering any and ai! que5t!on». • • onronJy rrcret :s ;h:U weare unah'e j to <'»(> gr.tnd exc irsion and j t»ke all our eustoiners t * the Volemo: thtre is a w»y throuh th«t every one eon cet there tbr >ug’i the r *leu;ngs ■' th ns. Q i : ok S ilrs •ind Sma.Il Profits mean simp!y thi?. Ec**noa)v t » vm and if vou wisb, • • » • tu >ive the dfferjnce betsveea p r ; pnee? a>;d h»r.ey pr!ces ;t won'l ij be long i*ef *re y >u \vi!l renl;ze that Jud cions boy;ng will j*ay i r t i pleasure tri|*s. KKEP EV£RY PURCHASE CHECK you get between now and Christaias, and if you want to, you ean gu*e them | to some \vorthy iriend. It looks r ns though the r »iny seai son has set in and we r.re going to ; rnake a runon rafnv woathf rg >ods. i j U.MBUELLA3 & PAR \SO ,S. COMFORTERS & BL \NKETS, from 11.00 up. FL.\NNELS&FLASNBLETTES, SHA\VLS& \VO 1LEN Q OD> The go*xls i.re all new and j wh t you i euL Do you want to g * to the VoIctnn? If yo i d(», you have just as g >od a ehanee as auy ona else. E. & H B. F. EHLERS & C0. Fred. Harrison. i contWtor ano BUILDER The Leading Builder IN HONOLULU. Bstimates g’ven on all kinds < f I*rick, Iron, Stone nnd \V«vid>*n Buildii*g-*. J *bhing of ali kinds. Bui!ding Material for Sale. 510 anel 512 Kit*g Street. Res:de:-ce Teleph no, Bell 2.'7. 1‘. O. Rox II. • oc2-tf NOnOEDnring !oy absenc*3 from tl;e co»**try «fter the dep >it ire of the '*0—Huie’’ for Ohiua Chin Doc< wili have futl charge of rav hus:ncs= :*iul affairs generallv. Wailuku, Stj,U 24, lS9i Ah Chew P( »UND # M ASTEK’S NOTK’ENoticc is hereby gīvea to all p* isous th•■»t tbere *.re at the Government Poa;id a Makiki s eee tbe first f, uy of Oct 1894. 3 h«>rses an.l u eow 1 bav ra.-tre with a 'nUie while spot ;>t the i f:*Rhf»d, branded J C on tbe ■ left hiud leg; 1 brown <uare. no ! br.nd nn; 1 cream raare w.th a iitl!e wbite sp**t at the forebead. Ait the four iegs'tklnte Br<u le*l j R on tbe lth h*i»d leg; 1 r»*«l :• *w oo bran«l, ngbt eur cb«*j»ed oti lhus Auv pn*onor persons ownii*g i tbese aoiiani» aro ieqaested to eome *nd lake tbe name on or befure 12 o’eloek noou Oct. 13 ■im, SATURDAY. Wm. K aapa P**nnd Mask*r. Makiki Oet. 1. 1894. cct 4 CARD OF NOTICE. — 8eh*rf .V C has r*>av*veH t * Ar j lingl n Bi *ck il»*le! Street where l lhev wiil br-tter nb*e t*« serve Jami t-»fr P*tr »n*. WiU keep on band ail the !ale*t pap#rs. B«ok St*|fa«iery. PerifHiie»!» A Sove!tie*, in «U braaches of :bc trade. . sel4 tf