Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 October 1894 — Friends of Hawaii [ARTICLE]

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Friends of Hawaii

Mr. A. lIortiinng, fonr.esly Hawaiian Minister to the Coort of St. Jam«*s and Mr«. H>>finong called :>t Washiiiglon f*’iee t!ii:> forenoi.ii i«t il o eloek and \vero cordial!y recaived !>y the Queen. Tl»e dis*iuguished travellers are occnpying a cott ige in tho 11 awaiiao Hotel gronncla, \vher-> numerons pft>mii out s cietv p>*o- ; ple h««ve paid thoir r«spects to them Mr Hi.rt‘m 1 ng «nd his family hav • nlw«ys beeu indefat iguble in showing coortesy and hospitalitv t« residents of flaw-»ii. visitii.g in London. Mr. and Mrs. Hurt uung will le.«ve for iioiuo ;n the Anstraiiu next Satnrdav.