Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 ʻOkakopa 1894 — THE POLICE COURT [ARTICLE]
i A mrabcr ol rL .nor en 9 ■ . | cupred th«* n-i e ti <r p »liw «u»gi-tnite tbis ra -raj g. A i Cbi amau w«s fined >-5 for neing a siioe-brush on the back of a boy _ . <nstead f on Lis shoes and the usu-«i »rray ».f dr>anks and <>tber people withcHt “# ligfct” eitber forfeite»l bi>l *>r nol pro*. j:he cise sg*inst Poliee officers Kiemme an<i l’<.rdes is on trial this after-noon. These Officers are charg»-d with au assanlt on a Oennan. It is alleged that tbe a-saalt took plae i in broatl d«v ; ligbt.inthe lnll w.»y -f the station honae < n{„;d . the «Io«>r to the Mar-hal s oluee. The in.<r-bul st«s 1in faīs offi.*e J. L Kiulu 0 kou for ihe def.-nse. | The latter case is finished »«d the two |H>!ice officers fi ied $-50 e tch uud cosls.