Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 ʻOkakopa 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


■'A Nig{it Uft”’ t -n ebt. rite rain »•»» « fr-»ntl. . I —.— ; Je«!oa» wim <#h *ul«l »ee "\ • Nig tOff. Tbe p!ayH«t Enoma Sqnare thĪH afternoon. ; The nominatiug oonvention wj|I meet on the iath inst J. T. H:tckfeld has re«’irae«1 hia i «iuli'-» ss Gennau Consnl. Tbe Aochor Stloan has th» s >ie agcocy for Ftvdickah .rg B *er. The A :stralia arrived this raornii<g frora San Francisco atal)ont 9 o’eloek. Dr. W. S. Howard left in the Ar»vn yesterday for tbe sake of his health.

\ The Califoruia Fruit Co , re- r ceived a I5ne invoice of delicioos . frnits by tho Aostra , ia- ' I Among the passengers who re- ] turned to Honolnla, were C. A. r Brown and F. Wilhelm. ] i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Isenberg i are celebrating Ihe nnniversary < of their wedding totlay. Plottmg husbai.ds will fiiul a touch of nature in “A Night Off” at the Oper» Hmise tonight. — Mrs. C. H. Wetraore who has beeu seriously indisposed for 3everal days is improviug rapidly A niee elean shave at Chilton’s barber sbop on Port Street is tbe best tonic in tho present hot weather. The aemi-anuual meetuig of ihe assooiation of Hawaiian Evangehcnl ch'iroh<’8 was held this week at Waikane, Oahu. Manager Dailey will astonish his audieiice next week with a big eeenie production on whieh an artist has heen engaged for f >ur weeks.

The board of registration closes its wopk tonight. The goveruraenl hae heen callod to a great deal of eipeuse and gaiued- very little by the results of the of the board, The Panthoon Saloon deals in Enterprise beer and not inFried- ’ ericksburg beer as stated in the Adwrtiser this morning. A fresh supply of Friedrioksr burg beer and iunuraerable oysters arrived tbis morning for the Anchor Saloon. Captain Wolfcers, the master of the wrecked German bark G. N. Wilcox left in tbe Arawa en route to Germany. Mr. aud Mrs W. J. Whito who aro enjoyiug their boneymoon are thanked f:>r rememb9ring the Holomua with a sample ot their 5 delicious wedding eake. Editor Hoogs of the Paradise of the Parific has been confined fco his house for nearly two weeks.

Keutuoky Queen Whiskey put up 16 years ago by Lennehau & Co., is a specialily attheComroereial HoielThe Healani bout club has decided to inoorpOT»te w th a eapi- j tal stook of 15 000 divided into shares of $20. The olub now I ccuuts one hcudred meiubers. The Humane Society has not j | yefc appoiuted au ag»nt. Sueh j I slackoess does not speak we.l for ihe new a»sooiation. lt is rnroored that there will U a • diTorce” heiween tbe partnere in a certain rioh firm. A rBsidenee at Waikiki will con»oqoontly be *‘to loi.’’ Tho -Panlhoon i« the d*pot for tbe ce.«br ted Enterpriwhore il ean «Uays bo i foaud e h»1 and fr. sb »>n.tap. " ® do u ..t deal ia ‘ Frrdericksb irg a« lh ■ «or»mg Papor—thr .onh ao ae miai’.ko has advertieod. Call Panlheon tor * a rtfroshing drinkJIM DOi)P. Propr»etor.