Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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AHRIVED P Ef^ French *nd Scotch Gingh;im3 (new) .,.10c.. 20o. atul Vktoria L.»wus (new), 10 yiU for • Whil-’ Drss Cromls (ne«L. UX*., lōe.. 20c.. 23c.. 30o.. ... While an»l Coloreil Dimities [new] 2<V. ao 1 : Ll*unelletts, »11 colors. (uewj l')ytls for M. • t3rrbo ohl maiim— “Taere is nothing new an.ler ths snn “ —knocked out. Oill aod be conTinced. M. S. LEVY, Who is now settled in Beason. Smith «k Co. ’?j OUl Sland, Fort Street.

iT’SflTOSSUP Sometiraes where to go to purchase any particnlar arthle, ',mt not if you happen to w mt invthing in the line of or enlargecl portraits, there is but one plaee in Honolnln, to pnrchase all materials, anil KISG BROS.’ 8tore, for whieh there is no rival on tlitso Islands. Tbe fincst paiutings in are on exhibition iu this gallery. The firm raakes a gpepialty oj enlarging portraits as well aj making picture frames in ilie very latest styles of mouIdings, m In the sheet pictures, thcy have thonsands to select from of whieh they invite an inspeetioc at aoy time. KLNG BR()S-, Hotel Street, : : : H nolnla aug. 2o-lmdIy. A Complete Hunting Outfit. Ooe lrish Setter bitch c>f the best blood in America; reg'stered in the A. K. S. B. and i»urtlj brokeo. One Pointer bitch bv the eeiebrat«>d Glenbe?gh that cost '1000 m England, One Pup five weeks o!d fathe. and mother thorooghbrecd;. Ooe Bockboard biiilte-: a ■ for hantmg porposes. One 12 gaa ge L. 0. bni th u m as good as aew and m fioe or3er. The above ootfit will be soid eheap w. H. CUNNINGHAM. £rtists' £upplies, Plctu?e Enqaire of sepl9 tf Anchor Saloon. N’oiiee is faereby to aii that there are at tho 1 r i Dnient Ponnd at Maaiki. hiS u.* 86 ’ b « r ‘ d ed KA on right 00 u ? brown M«re, h ... 8L on 1bo «e. bn»nded knowi, r biodb ‘P» brand—a - wfait« t °* * 8lt b * hip, aud a hlto 8 P«t oo £orehead. wSs ° rper80DS *rt X'7he r 2 ae * t * d ' befor« l*> » , tne aauie on ur noo “’ Wtū. iisXirA poi;nd m,vster’s noticb.

fIaFional Ii'on Woi 1^ QV££X STREET, Between Alakea & Kiohapl Sts THE UNDEKSIGXED »re P repared to make i\U ktnd» of Iron Brass. Broaze, Zsnc, Tin and Lead Castmg«. Al» Genera! Kepair Shop for Steam Engines, Kiee Milla, Corn Milla, Water Wheels, Wind Milla, etc. Machines lor the Cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oila, Keana, Kamie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaves «fc other Fibrous P.ants, And Pajier SUxk Alao Maehinea for Extractiug Starch fiow the Manioe, Arrow Root, etc. All Orders promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN <f\ CO. V!NQ-i-F/T-!-CHAN —; FURNITURE DēALERS. Beg to inform the puhlie that they have opened a Branch Store at No. 322, Nuuanu St., Whcre they carry a eomplele line of BEDROOM-SET8, CHAIRS, TABLES, WARDROBES, STANDS, F.tc„ Etc., Etc. Furnl«ureKepairc<l aiut General .Jobl>inc at Kea«onaI>le Kate«. VING PAT CHAN T , F»ctory, corner of King and Bethel Streets. sept 6-3ms • Y. LUM SING, Dealer in Fruits and Groceries. Fresh Fruits by Every California Steamer, Eresh Island 13utter from Hawaii. 135 Fort Street. Coffee Roasted. P O. Box 169 Fresh Island Prodnce, Goods Delivered to Any Part of the City. Jy 21 NOTīCE. D. Howard Hitchcock has reopened his classes in drawing and painting at his Class-Boom on Hotel St. plasB instructionā given every Wednesday and Saturday from 8 P. m. , to 12 P. M. Applieaiion for the full term should be made at onee. lw CITY.CARRIAGE C0. Corner KING and BETHEL St. CAjmrA^GrEj AT ALL HOURS. Both Teiephone® No. 113. J- S. ANDRADE, Managej |une I5-tf. THOS. LINDSAY 208 Merchaut Street Honolula, Store, new Jeu>elry Gold t - $iher ana fiiamoōd*. Jewelry Manufacture to order. 11 Watehes deaned aud rep a ired J ! Cil! :n «nd 'napect. s«4-tf Gust. A. Mauen, UAWAIIA* HOTEL BARBKh Ladkn Sha mpom ng a gpecidty. Uonniulu. * aug«.