Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
_________ September 17, 1894 If we remember correctly the ‘ Charietton” was the first of the “Whiie Sqoadron ’ visit Hoaolulu. Her arrival on her second crn:seiis still in ihe minds of people who were here oa Jannaiy 29, 1891. When with at half-mast and yards cock-bni!t she entered port vrith the body of King Kalakaua, the kind attentior.s shown by the oflicers to the King during the voyage to the United States and the, aN most sacred mmner in whioh th •* bodv was guarded wb;lebe:ne borne to the Isiands, endeared the “Charleston” to the people of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in the power of the people. tijeir apireciation wjs shown to the officers during their and when sa?leil they left graveu ou t;blets of love and raemory,evidences of their Aloha f>r Hawu i. Few, if anv, of the officers who were bere then aro on the vessel now; some have reacbed tho age of retirement-rnul others have gone to oth-r vessels but the Cbarlestou t is still gre?n in the heart of the Hawaiians. Have you ever nsed a Pansy , St -ve? We have beeu selling them for four or five years and to day they woar the “Yellow Ccat” in tbe erapire of stoves. They are recognii!ed by ewry one, even dealers in other stoves, as a snperior artiele and one whieh they do not care to rnn up agaiust. Of course sbn-es may be boaght from people who are j not dealers. We have people running here everv day or two ! for fire br;cks aud parts belonging to stoves they have bonght from other parties, aud when they fiud they caunot get theiu they digcard their stoves and buy a “Pausy ” You see ihepe is a ilisadvantage in bnying dear things nt low pnces. Oomē to us aiul get a Pansy at 815 00 and you get full value £or your mo- | ne\'. Yon don’t get 875.<10 range for fifteen dollars* miud yo i, but \ou get a first class stove that is worth Thirty dollars to any one Oiu Qeady Mited Paints are suited to tlis wants of neople who bave a little pa'nting thev ivant to do theraselves. Tlie advant:ige in bnyihg a prepared paint is tbat you have the benefit of the best mixers in the United ; k5t;>tes withont baviug to pay for ii. The paint is ready for use directly you take ihe top otf the ean mul if you don’t find it eheap ep qipd better than a;iy you em mix ycurseif wo are mistakpQ in ; our evperience ln Oalifornia tbe r>ainters are nsing the prepared articla in preferonce to bnying lead and oils bec īuse they find it to tbeir advantage to do so We believe it is only a question of time when the painters bere will fali imo liru. Hanging lamps are in as great j demand now as ever. People £egm to wnnt sometbing for lighting pmrposea that will give as I good light as tbe sun—they find | it in tbe lamps we are giving a- j way. Our phe.ip >tand lamps are an excel)ent thing for a seryact5 room and will find a ready sale in the i a land storss. We ean supply any demand. for a singie lamp or for a thous*nd. There’s Iots of Hawaiīans whose Knleanas need fencing; aml have the wire with whieh j to do it. W'e haveaSeO ihe izz - terial for buiiding a fence that S'ill last nntil long after the mil- 1 leoiam. laaieai of paying a high pric- for posis, or eyen geiting them for tLe cutting. your fence wiil cost you le«s I#oney il you buy steel stays and wasbers and make a Jonea Looked fecce. We have e?erTtaing you want in the hardware tnd hoose fnrpishing goodi 1ne yoa *ish. An J tre CQurt investigation as to , ibeir qaality ānd | ri«e», niHaiffiaHJrtiaR.Ce. jl .7. 7