Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 ʻOkakopa 1894 — The Champion Striker. [ARTICLE]
The Champion Striker.
Chicago, Beptember ! iS: Tlie argmr.eut« iu tbe DeL»s oaso wero compieteil to-day. A.ttoruey lrwin tiuished for the defeuae with an eloqneut address. in whieh he intimate«i that - the ruuiors tbat railroad ofticials were re«pousiblp for the burning of the cars would be tboroa B hJy ipyestig«ted. Associated Oonneil Edwin Walker closed for the prosecutto«t a t tbe afternoon session. lrwin interrnpted Wi<k.er onee. The latter said the President of ! tbo L*cited States bad recognized the necessity oi poptpelling the A- R. U. to respect the mail stiTioe aiul fbc Jnterstate Oommerce i law^ “Did the Presideui autborfiie these present proceedin«8 in thi» court? M asked Irwic. “I 11 say.” said Walker. “In to tbe qnestion of counsel, yes. The Presui«ai Ī3dorsed this pr« ceeding.” 1 t
I 1 PriuoetoB Sf. JT.. 28. Th©re i will b* uo more ba<tog in Pnuee ton. Ner«r ag«tia iri!i tbe trembling fresbman bave to rov witb i vashbov!s for koaU and tooth- I pieka for oars; never again make i apeeohee from tranks and iabie 1 topa fo aadiences of“gaying” ! £ophomor«« ; nerer again take long nigbtlv joarneya. glimb tn?es ' in aoantattire or sing paiheiie ? atr<iins to tho uns\Tspathetic | mooi;. A.11 this was forever done avay witb by a g*est mass meeting of the uniergraduatee haid Al«at)dof HaU today.