Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 ʻOkakopa 1894 — HAWAIIANS BOUND HOME. [ARTICLE]
Zrstwhile Moi mona Leive Utah Becaase of Desert Heat and Cold. 9 A party oi sixteen Hawaiian Mormons, who have been at and near Salt Lake varionsly from two to fifteen years. are at the Rnss H’)Use. bound home to their native land. The Hawaiian Consul, Cbarles T. Wilder. is return ing them from Sult Lake to Honolulu at the expense of the Hawaiian Governmeut. lt seems these poor pe«q»Io bave nuverbeen satisfieii away fiora tbeir island home. Tbe beat of tbe Wasatch valley in summer w.is of a ch.tracter they eouhl not eudure, and tbe frigid winters \vere f;»r worse on tbem. Mauy bave died, es-~ | pecially in 8kull valley, \vbere tbe Hawaiians were mostly gatbered, and wbere fifty-two yet remuin. Q**orge K. Kamanoha. one of tbe arrivals, said yesterday: • The air on tbo desert is so dry and bot corapared with tbat of Hawaiiau where a eool breeze from lbe oeean blo\vs mueh of the time, tbafc none of us could ever got used to it. Worse tban this war tbe cold ard snow of \\ intt-r. We also missed tln* fish ' and fruits of oar native land. Fmally \ve conclnded to go back. if we cou!d. bnt we bad no money. Ho, after a long 1 ino, as it seemed to u8, tbe Hawaii,.u Gpvffnment I arranged to send ns back "Most • f ns. as aro tbe others «t Skuli valu v, hava be<-n \W»rking ou farms for the M"iuion Cimrch. We were paid so muoh a day, but never con!>l get ahead mueli. The Monnon Chnrcb is «11 r)gbi,but we\vunttogethoine.'’ T’be namc$ »>f Ihe Huwaiiana are (ojlowsc Gei*rge K K ; *~ muuoha,Jubn M- Kaohiinuni aud family, l‘eter K. Nawaukiuluui, Elekola Nauukn uud fainiiy. Kai ihuhaaheo. Victoria l\.amaka. Kahiu. Katona Tbey will all ' «ml oi) tbe Australia today.