Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

plalional Ipon Wop^ Qv£xs STMrr. Beiween AUke* k Hiehnnl St* THE l'XPdtSlUX£D ir« mwKd *» B»k« «11 kiad-. ot lioa Brw, Broxi*f, Zuw. Tin «nd La«d C«sting«. kl«o G«B«ml B#p«ir Sbop for St««& Eagia««, Kic« MiH*. OomMilk, W«wr WV*fc., Wis4KOn. Mc. HaehinM Kjc Um <~Twning o4 Co4he, CmstM Oik. Kmum, Unmw, Sk«^ PlnMppi* I mv** 1 olb«r Fibio«s FU«U. Aod i'*f»r Slock Aiao kUehinM (dff SUrch (raa th# Mnnioe. Anov Root, «tr. IV .VII Orl*r» promj«ly a(tr-nJ«ii t*. WHITE. RTTMAW CO. VINQ -s-F AT-:-CH A N —; FUR<mURE DēALERS.

B»'JC to inforra the puhiio lh«t tb** tu*» ope«vrJ • Bwnch Store at No. 322, Nmianu SU Where lbev c*rry • complete lioe Of HEI>ROOM 5ETS. (T1AIRS, TABI.EA, WARDROBES. STAXDH, Etc„ Etc„ Etc. Kornit ure R«ptlml »n,l Oeaeml Jr>bblo* • t Kem«on»ble lt»te«. VIMG FAT OIIAM, F«ctorr. corncr of Klnie aml Be(bel 5»treeU. s«pt 6-3ms

Y. LUM SING, Dealer in FrniU and Qrocerie«. FreaU FrmU by ETerv Cali(ornia I Stcamer, Ēresh Bntter (rora Hawiiii. 135 Fort Stroet. Coffee Roisted. P O. Box 169 Fresh Island Protluce, Qooda Delivered to Anv Part o( the City, j y 21 NOTICE. D. Howanl Hitcbcock has reopened hia classes in drawing and painting at his Class-Room on Hotel St. Class instractions given every \\’ednestlay and Satnrday (rora 8 P. M. , to 12 P. M. Applioation for tbe (uil terra sbould bo made at onee. Iw CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner KING and BETHEL St. CAREIAGE8, , AT ALL HOURS. Both Te)ephoues No. 113. J. 8. ANDRADE. Manage r ; june 15-tf. Hū Yen do. Tinsmiths and Dea/ers Crockery, G/Assware, W.VTER PIPES LAJD AXD PLUM8I5U NEATLT EXECTTED <9 M N’awn'! St, br(«eea Kimt aa 1 Hot*l A*cs BaUdit>x J/» Im THOS. JLLNI3S^VY 1* Merchaitt Street H molula 1 AVu- Storr, new Jewelry Gold , 8Uver and Oiamonāa . Jewelry Vlanufacture to order. W«tches c'eaued aud repaired in »nd mspeot V Gust. A * Mauen, HA WAIIA V HOTKl BARBKR Ladies Shamyooinj a speci~ itty. Honoluh. aug4.