Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HWii HOLOMU^, !- ITBLISHED Ev*'rv -A I U^moon KXcTJT SPXDAT RV THB Haloaua Pu.blish.iag Co. At lving St. ( fhoma>i hioek), Honolulu, fl. I. |*V* * w W.w. i u * m ti4!lirfcre't l»v iu tb« ;..wi»»u * -uburbf. S:uffU- (V,p»e« !\x S*ie »s tuc '» ’«■' Di’alt*w aiul at tbc Offiue o( p31 heHiiim. E:HUHD NORR!E, - - Ldiior f>, M R00flEY, - - Manager NOTICE. a !l Buhium CoiumunlcaUoug should be „..lm*ed to P M. ROOXEY. HonoInlu, H. I. i'unenponnenee and eomnumieauona tor paohoaUon nhonld be addres«:d to tho Editor II»wiiii Holomna. No nouee will be paid U» ijiv auonyinoas eommnaieaUona.
13usiiiess C."ardftVOLNEY V. AHHKORD. Attomoy and Coausolor «t Law, OlHee, bite of the 01d Hothel — \Vest Corfler of Kiug and Betbel Streets. jy2l A. T. FETEUSON ; attokney at law. Officf: 113 Kaahumann Jftreet, Uouolnlu Hav>ai\«u I->Un:la. CHAKLES CREIGHTON. ATTOKNEy AT LAW, Offioe: 113 Kaahumauu fjtrt'et, Honoluln Hawaiiau lalauda. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNF.Y AT LAW. 314 Murchant Stroot, Honolnln,Mi*lual 'lelephoue 415. CLAHENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTOKNEr AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW’, Offloc. 01d CauitoI Buil.iing, (Honolalu H.ile), a.ijoining l’ost Office, Honoluln! A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahumauu St., Houoluln, Hawaiiau Islaude. H. F. BERTELMANN, CONTRACTOB AND BCILDER,J 86 Kiug St.. Bell Telephoue 107.
F. H. REDWABD. CONTKAOTOB akd BUH n ER, So. 50G King Streot, Honolulu, Hawaiian lslands. WILLIAM FOSTKK, a:orney AT uAW a votary pūblic, Honolulu. H. I., 13 Kaahumanu Street. A, G CORKKA, HTATTORNET AT LAW.^a 307 Merchant Slreit, Honolulu. __ jy2J Femandes & Gomos WHOLE8ALE Callfornia Winea and Spirits, Ko. 502 Fort St.. Honolulu, H. 1. P 0. Box 436. Muiual T«le. 140. mmiMM C0MPASY, 33'j Both T»lepHones 3So Hadc St«nd, Corner King *nd Maonakea Streete. Hacks «t All Houre. jy27 SAM YEE HOP. No. King Stroet, !>ealer in Cali|ornia and Hawaiian Froits nnd V«getjl>les. Guava Jelly, «d Gr>uod Ooflfee, Ciaare ito «*>