Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Removal Hasta.ce & Qq. havf moved to Morgan*s - Auctlon - Rooms j for • sltort ti«ae- We »re*till 9e!l!i»s Departure Bay COAL . ( charcoal, atxjeroba »na KIKDLIN« \VOOL> in aor qi»ntilj. Botl» Trfephon<* 41* »u6 POUND MASTER’S XOTICE. Sodce «s b< reby giTen to »U peisons th*t heie aie at tl»e t»oTermnent Ponnd- st Ma- j :iki, two strayevl hoUs. I black bnll . ir»n»ltHl Ron right hind leg. 1 pineo bnll >raud indiscrib»ble o« leg. Anv person or personS owing these bnhs re requested t<> eome and l.ike the same on r before 12 e’eloek noen, SATURDAY, j EPT. 15, 1SW. J.VMES KUKONA. Por“d Master. Makiki, Ang. 50, 1S04. an<:»-lwdy Pioneer Shlrt Factory E8TABLISHSD IS87. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, 5IS Forl 3t., Honoluln, (Upstairs.' Good Fil C0XS0LIDATF.P SODA WATER CO. (Limitted.) ESPLANADE: Cor. Allen nnd Fort St». : ; Ilouolnlii II0LL1STER & CO„ Agent«. F0R 8ilE. A FINE *• MIDNIGHT ” STALLION colt belonging to P. D. Isenberg. The eoU ean be «een at the PANTHEON STABLE from to-morrow. tf. The Whlte House! 118 Nuuanu Avenuo, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS [lon^a IN EVERY RESPECT. Rooms from $1-50 to $3.00 per feet or 50c. per Day. PAUL LEMKE, PROPRIATOR. Bell Telephone 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO 7isitors. Pienie Parties. Lnans —AND—GENERAL PUBLIC I At S3ftTa’s Bjs Hvb Stable, Kisg Street. [Adjoining MetropoUtan Meat Mark la the Cheapest Pkee in Town jon e Hnasea, Wagonedei«, Buggies and ! Horse8. It wiU p»y yon to eall M before Ton tnr eisewhere. Mataal TeJephone 408 i c v-'r<>ii<'A FiJ't MAlkep Eie., Corner Kioe *nd AUkea Street». 0 • 5 i»)Sv Bt Emj «leame? lrom Smo Fnn-1 eiaeo, w»thj Fresh Fruit, OysfersJ 8*1 mon, Poufiry, Src Erc. IZtc. •M . Iw. 8