Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Fire, Liife «& Marine INSURANCE. HARTFOKD FIRE INSURANCE C0., - Assets. $ 7,109.825.49 LONDOX-LAXCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. f A&sets, $ 4,317,052.00 THAMES-MERSEY \(ARINE IXS. CO. f Assets, $ 6.124,057,00 • XEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets, $137,499,198.99 O. O. BERGER, General Agent for the Hawaiian ls‘and3, Ilonolulu ! 1 N Oi IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, l 3 rovisions A\D Feed, EAST C0RNER F0RT & KINGjSTS. New Goods Rec 5 d By every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe. Fresh California Prodnce by ever}* steamer. AU orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. lsland Orders Solicited. Sat;sfactiou GuaranteHd. Po:»t Office Box No. 145, Telephone No. 92. P. 0. Box 480. Mutual Tei,kpho.vk 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Furnitnre IS AT.THE King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L C'ORNEK 0F Honolulu ih ii PANĪHEON 8ALOON, FORT AND IIOIEL STS. fieaiqnarters Enterprise BreTiog Co. T. B. Murray THE • Largest Constgnment of Beer that ever arrlved here, now • on Draught J. DODD, Prop'r Im Vel to be ? nund On the Otd hlaud f .\o. 14 Klng St.—IKis BnMine»M ua CAHRIAGE AND ISrOTICE. \m Id futare ill BILLS for undert*king will b« p*r*biD on preeen',ation. We are eompdiec to re«ort to this rule, on aeeoaul ol the iuabdity to ooUeoi the majoritj- of our 7 'utiertaking bilts afler fnnerala aie ot«t. WHUAMH BROS., ED. A. WILLIAMS.m eai;-l 290 Ring Up 290 United (īoes On. When tbe “PEOPLES’ P ARTY” gets smoshed he will be ready to EEPAIH PA1HT iHO TBU iī Carriage Company, M. REIS | J.O. OUINN At a Rea8onabie Pigore.— No Extra Charge for Furnishing them wiih Oomaon Semie. I LET THEM BING UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 579.